how often

bel74 Posts: 32 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
im going to weigh myself once a week but i was wondering how often should i do my measurements.


  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    once a month should work.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    i measure myself every two weeks because im super impatient and i constantly like to know how much progress ive made.

    but i agree with the previous poster, once a month should definitely be adequate.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Right now I am measuring once a week and am seeing progress. This helps on the weeks that I do not lose as much. I am definitely adding muscle right now due to the great increase in exercise I have made. This means that my body should be be gaining in heavier but slimmer muscle. Sometimes this can cause a delay in pounds lost initially or temporarily and increase the number of inches lost. It will help weight loss in the end as metabolism increases. I seem to have a loss in inches weekly right now and loss in pounds every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. So it depends on whether you have upped your exercise significantly or whether you have given more of an emphasis to lowering calorie intake. I am of course doing both but since I am trying to lose slowly, healthily and permanently seeing the inches go helps my motivation. Soon I will have less time for exercise and I will be trying to maintain exercise and keep calories down so then I may not feel it is worth measuring as often. If you are losing weight more quickly then you may not need to check as often. If you have a week where you slow down on the weight loss it may be important to see if you have lost or are losing inches. So monthy, every two weeks are good and sometimes more if you are building alot of heavier muscle and slimming down and the weight is coming off slower for a period.
  • truckerchic
    truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
    Some experts say to weigh daily some weekly some monthly, seems everyone has a different opinon. I think you should set a schedule that works for you mentally. I was weighing myself daily and getting so upset when I didnt lose (even knowing ones body changes daily) that my than husband hid the scale and once a week same day same time he would get it out for me. This worked great for me. The important thing is do it at the same time of day, prefer in the morning...Good luck with your journey
  • truckerchic
    truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
    Measuring I only do every cpl months, my clothes tell me what I need to know..just wish they would tell me a little faster lol
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