Looking for friends! :)

Hey everyone! I've been away from MFP but am back! I want to get back into exercise and logging calories again, and am looking for friends who are looking for and provide support and motivation!

I am a SAHM of a toddler who means everything to me, a full-time student, and also work from home. I love doing programs like Focus T25, TapouT XT, Jillian Michaels, and weight training, Yoga, dance, and Pilates. I will be receiving the 21 day Fix in a day or two, so will be starting that very soon!

I also would like to start a group on here, but need more people who are interested. I was thinking of doing a Focus T25 Group and/or a 21 Day Fix group.

So, if you are interested in being my Pal here on MFP, please send me an invite, and feel free to message me and introduce yourself! Thanks!! Take care! :)