30-something looking for pals & a kick in the butt ;)



  • Yoyoyo! I'm an inch taller and a few lbs heavier, but, motivated! Feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    I am 29 5'2 need to lose 30 pounds seems so hars been trying from last two year but always lose hope after couples of days this time I want to go to the end hope I will make it this time :)

    ME TOO! I start out strong and super motivated and then I get apathetic or use some ol' excuse. Let's motivate each other! I just wrote out my weight loss goals and added correlating incentives--hoping that seeing the goals will help me push towards them. I put them on my profile if you want to take a look :)
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Yoyoyo! I'm an inch taller and a few lbs heavier, but, motivated! Feel free to add me :bigsmile:

    Awesome! thanks! I love your name...and it totally stuck the Fraggle Rock theme song in my head:
    ♫♪ Dance your cares away, Worry's for another day, Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock ♫♪
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I am 33 and am about half way to my goal...50 lost 40-50ish to go. As for tips, for me it has really been as simple as tracking my calories and exercising more. I have had great luck with a combo of Jillian Michael's DVDs and walking, I may try adding some jogging if the snow and ice ever melt. Patience has been the hardest part for me, it took a while for me to come to terms with the fact that this is a process that takes time. Good luck, if I can do this anyone can!

    WOW! fantastic! I think I have some Jillian Michaels dvds somewhere (a talkshow giveaway ;) I think I'll dig them out today (and dust them off) and give 'em a try. I have a time tough time holding myself accountable. I always give myself little breaks...which turn into naps...and then workout apathy :( Your progress is pretty awesome! I'd love to follow
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! Much needed and appreciated :)
  • jelie3110
    Please feel free to add me, I am on here almost every day
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Once you start its hard to stop, make an exercise plan and do it no matter what excuses you tell yourself. I was in the same boat but now I am a fitness junkie. Eating well is still the hardest part but once you start exercising don't skip workouts even if they are only short walks for 30 mins or so. Its still better than sitting around being sedentary. As for eating just be honest with yourself about what you are eating, lying to yourself only leads to guilt and lack of motivation. Sometimes I lack motivation but I push myself out the door and once Im done I am always grateful I did it. Pinterest is great for motivation, There are literally thousands of boards with motivational stuff and advice. When I need to be pushed thats where I go for the motivation because 9/10 times laziness is all in my head. You can check out mine for an example if you like, http://www.pinterest.com/webneb/gym-and-fitness/
    AWESOME! thank you! I am happy to glean motivation anywhere I can :) That would be fantastic if I could become a fitness junkie too. At the moment I am a bit of a nap junkie because I feel exhausted all the time :( Hoping sticking to a workout will give me loads more energy
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Great tip! I need to start brushing post-dinner asap! :D Thank you!
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    I suck at replying! For some reason, I thought all my replies would line up nice and neat right under the other user's comments that I'm replying to, but it looks like a jumbled mess on my screen :-/ Sorry for the sloppy replies. I did read all of them and appreciate them very much...and tried to reply individually. Hoping I'll get the hang of the site soon. thanks again, friends!