Group Members who weigh around 176 pounds

Hi there

I'd like to set up a group for anyone like me, who's over 170 pounds and has over 40 pounds to shed!

If we all put on our current stats, then every Sunday check in and see how we've all progressed!!

I'm REALLY struggling at the moment so I'm hoping actually doing a group could help, I'm especially having problems with night bingeing and hunger pangs!

My stats are:
CW: 176 Pounds
Height: 5'5

I need all the support I can get and sure if you're reading this you do too so please feel free to add and message me and good luck everyone even if this isn't for you thanks for reading!!


  • MadiFromTheBurg
    I weigh 172 and I'm 5'9 My goal is to weigh 140 ( what i weighed before I got pregnant) Can I join the group? The only exercise I'm currently doing is walking but I plan to do more once I get my stamina up a bit more :)