Bras make breasts saggier?



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    French guy with a boob fetish does a study and concludes bras are unnecessary. Seems legit!

    ETA: spelling error
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    So this is the conclusion of a French scientist after his 15 year study of the subject.
    Women have been wearing undergarments to support their breasts for years — as far back as ancient Greece. From corsets and backless brassieres to the modern elastic bra, these items have been indespensable parts of most women's wardrobe. But new research claims that bras are anything but uplifting.

    The study incited an international debate when a French professor performed a 15-year research on the evolution of the bra-less breast.

    Jean-Denis Rouillon, a professor at University of Besançon in France, authored a study stating that women are better off not wearing bras. They are scientifically unnecessary, and, in fact, could be hazardous to breast health, leading to sagging breasts and increased back pain.

    The study involved 330 females between the ages 18 and 35, out of which 50 were asked to not wear bras. They all volunteered to have their anatomies measured and examined for any changes to orientation using a slide rule and caliper.

    "Medically, physiologically, anatomically — breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity, Rouillon told France Info radio. "On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra."

    Specifically, he showed that without a bra, the nipple climbs back up by 7 mm in a year, while the breast overall get firmer and stretch marks begin to fade. He said that by the time a woman hits 25 while wearing the bra, the breasts begins to sag.

    One 28-year-old woman identified as "Capucine" participated in Rouillon's study and said she hasn't worn a bra for two years and could attest to the results.

    "There are multiple benefits: I breathe more easily, I carry myself better, and I have less back pain," Capucine told France Info.

    Back pain has been long associated with heavier breasts and the incorrect bra support. Proper posture is also essential to back health, whether going bra-less or wearing on the undergarment.

    Rouillon expressed his belief that culture is at fault for making women believe a bra is required. Nonetheless, he recommends some women to not throw away their bras over this finding.

    "It would be of no benefit to a 45-year-old mother to stop wearing a bra," he said.

    The modern bra was patented to Mary Phelps Jacob, a socialite who created an undergarment for one of her evening gowns. Its popularity arose during World War I when women decided they needed a device that would be practical to wear in the workforce.

    As I have 200 pounds to lose and am concerned about the resulting loose skin I thought this study might have some interesting implications for the extreme weight loss community. This might suggest that shapewear could also contribute to sagginess in problem areas?

    Anyone running out to burn your bras just yet? LoL


    When he has experienced having breasts first hand for 50 years - I might be willing to listen.

    I burned my bra in the 60s-70s (giggle). However, I was not overly endowed. I wore just light bras for modesty's sake at work and exercise etc. Even now, I wear bras for the same reasons except I do love all the cute push ups they have now - so wear them for fun! PS After losing 70 lbs I did go in and have them 'restored'. Too much loose skin.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Yeah, I remember reading about women in many tribes where they carry the babies on their backs and when the kid is hungry, they flop a boob over their shoulder so the kid can nurse.

    That braless thing sure is making them perky.
    Oh good god!
    I'd like to see that.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I wear a bra the majority of the day and often sleep in one, and IMO they are not saggy.


    This. My bras are comfy and I wear them most of the day and at night.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I seriously have gone, in my adult life, from 130-234 and my boobs are not saggy. I wear sports bras all the time and even to bed. Also, I've had 3 kids. Maybe i'm just lucky, I don't know. But I don't buy this lol.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If the study had been run by a female, I might have been more likely to put stock in it.

    It's just some man who wants women to go around without bras.

    Really? You think it is just a dirty French guy trying to liberate the tatas for his own enjoyment? I actually think there is some merit here and would like to read his study.

    It's a horrendously flawed study from the outset. It's really not even a study. The guys is obviously biased and there's absolutely no blinding or any apparent attempt at independent verification or measurement.
  • jelie3110
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    My breasts have been saggy since the popped out 33 years ago. I side with the people saying this is just a French guy looking for a legit excuse to see and touch lots of boobies.
  • SeaTurtleJenni
    SeaTurtleJenni Posts: 58 Member
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?

    I've never seen perky boobs in National Geographic.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?

    LOLOL... Reminds me of "something about mary."
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Going braless, even when I am at home, is just not an option for me. I am uncomfortable without a bra. :(
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    In the 70s I went braless and bouncy. When I'm home I am braless and bouncy. but I cannot imagine being in a business suit, shirt and not wearing a bra. The court officers might like it, but I doubt it would help my credibility any.

    I could never exercise without a sports bra.

    I think this guy needs to learn how to do a valid study.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?

    Tubesock boobs are an evolutionary adaptation in 3rd world countries so that women can strap a child to their back and fling the breast over the shoulder for feeding "on the run". This is what I have learned from this thread. Oh! And dirty French men will concoct baseless experiments using poor science as an excuse to touch young boobies for a 15 year period. That's science abuse!
  • jelie3110
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?

    Tubesock boobs are an evolutionary adaptation in 3rd world countries so that women can strap a child to their back and fling the breast over the shoulder for feeding "on the run". This is what I have learned from this thread. Oh! And dirty French men will concoct baseless experiments using poor science as an excuse to touch young boobies for a 15 year period. That's science abuse!
    That is hilarious, I almost choked on my lunch lol! All the french naked women I have seen in french movies all have very small breast so for them I guess it would be OK..... They don't even have tubesock potential lol......flapjack maybe;)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Pretty sure weak pectoral muscles make saggy boobs, not bras. Lift and you'll be fine
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Pretty sure weak pectoral muscles make saggy boobs, not bras. Lift and you'll be fine

    LoL I wish! But very nice thought.
  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    If that is truly the case, then how come all the women in 3rd world countries, who never wear bras, all have tubesock boobies?

    Tubesock boobs are an evolutionary adaptation in 3rd world countries so that women can strap a child to their back and fling the breast over the shoulder for feeding "on the run". This is what I have learned from this thread. Oh! And dirty French men will concoct baseless experiments using poor science as an excuse to touch young boobies for a 15 year period. That's science abuse!
    That is hilarious, I almost choked on my lunch lol! All the french naked women I have seen in french movies all have very small breast so for them I guess it would be OK..... They don't even have tubesock potential lol......flapjack maybe;)

    This cracked me up hahaha....

    They come in all shapes and sizes as do we. everyones different so studies on weather to wear a bra or not is just some guty trying to blagg his pervy way to get to see more womens breasts :P

    OP mine have always been bigger than average no matter how skinny i was, when i had 4 babies within 5 years and breast fed i was told i will loose them or trip over them, BUT they just got bigger and firmer stayed that way and ive never had a bad back because of them and im 40 in a year. If u loose them just get saving for a breast enhancement just incase ;)
  • miniging
    I think they're forgetting about simple physics in this study.
  • wondermonkee
    False!!! Gravity and aging are forces acting against flesh. Unless u work muscle out they will sag....bras help counter act gravitylol and protect nerve endings on the sensitive nips.