Spinal Injections-how long to rest?

This past Thursday I had 4 cortisone shots into my lower back to alleviate pain from 2 herniated discs. I obviously skipped my workout on Thursday, and Friday my back was still cramping quite I bit so I skipped that day too. Yesterday I considered working out but after a day in a gym where I was climbing stairs (no I wasn't working out...my son had an event at the university and I was up in the stands watching) I realized I was still quite weak and shaky in my legs (which is normal they tell me). My physical therapist said just to play it by ear and see when I felt up to my regular workouts again, but I have a tendency to push myself when I shouldn't and don't always listen to my body (I'm trying really hard to get better at that). I was thinking about trying a few miles on the elliptical today...but am unsure...

So my question is...any thoughts on how long I should wait to start regular workouts again? I don't want to take off too long, but don't want to rush things either. Have any of you had these injections? How did they affect your workouts and for how long?


  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    i would say that no one here will know better than you when to start back. you know your body and recovery times. when you feel like it go for it. start back slow and see how it goes.