facial rash

I have fallen of the wagon yet again, and for about a month or so have allowed my good food choices go out of the window. I have just looked in the mirror and my face has become very red and bloatchy and general looks unhealthy. does anyone else suffer with red blotches on their face and if so what tips do you use to improve the skin tone please?


  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    If it is caused by allergies to makeup, food or products you are using try to find out what it is. For sensitive skin Aveeno products and Neutrogena products seem to help me. If rash persists please contact your doctor. Some facial rashes can be a sign of autoimmune illness.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Sounds like you need to see a doctor. No one can make a diagnosis for you in a forum. Good luck.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I've gotten it very recently too, about a month and a half ago my mother started noticing it. I also have some very small pimples. During that time I had fallen off the wagon and gained a ton of weight, so I'm hoping that eating healthy again will fix it.

    I also started using Neutrogena.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    I've found that sugar makes my cheeks inflamed with tiny pimples. One time after a binge where I'd eaten ice cream and a half french bread my cheeks got so puffy and hot. That alone made me want to stop eating bad.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I have fallen of the wagon yet again, and for about a month or so have allowed my good food choices go out of the window. I have just looked in the mirror and my face has become very red and bloatchy and general looks unhealthy. does anyone else suffer with red blotches on their face and if so what tips do you use to improve the skin tone please?

    When you say red and blotchy… is it acne or a rash? There's a difference.

    What facial products do you use? Any new ones?

    New shampoo/conditioners?

    New laundry detergent?

    Have you eaten anything you don't normally eat or have never eaten before lately?
  • GW1970
    GW1970 Posts: 81 Member
    I've found that sugar makes my cheeks inflamed with tiny pimples.
    i find the same. since i stopped eating sugar , my skin has improved considerabily, the other major factor is alcohol, so i'm about to embark on a 3 month plan without alcohol to see if this clears it up completly!
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I had a few pieces of chocolate last night and woke up to a facial rash and redness. Did you have chocolate or sugar?
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My son`s facial rash turned out to be MONO, Do you have any other symptoms??? Definitely have it looked at.
  • terricol
    terricol Posts: 43 Member
    thanks all for the advice, yes i have eaten loads of sugar and chocolate. and no healthy products yet. I have just woken up and i have decided to go healthy again. so here goes and i will keep you all updated. Many thanks again for your time to read and reply :smile: