Kickboxing Vid, easy on the knees?


I just started mfp, but have been doing mild exercise on my lunch break (walking a mile in about 20 mins) so it is low impact.
I have been doing cardio dance and some other aerobics (dvd's), but the twisiting is making my knees a bit sore (they crack and pop). ADORE kickboxing dvd's, and kicks in the air does not bother my knees at all.

Any suggestions for Kickboxing dvd's that don't work PRIMARILY on floor lunges etc?

Thanks in advance!!!


  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    Turbo Jam!!!! I use it every day, and they have a few people who do only low impact versions of all the moves. I was having knee issues while using Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, but using Turbo Jam, I don't. You can get it from
  • TammyBee
    Water Aerobics is excellent for bad knees.
  • Squash97
    I do Turbo Jam and LOVE it! Occasionally one of my knees will bother me if a I do too much twisting (she has you get down and do this twisting/punch thing) so if my knee is acting up, I just don't twist or go as low. Now that I'm used to it, my knees don't give me as much trouble as they used to.
  • becomingsara
    Thank you all!!!

    I will have to check out TurboJam for SURE!!!
    Also, if there were a good pool nearby, water aerobics would be awesome!!! maybe next summer.