Introducing myself for the first time...

Evening everyone, my name is EShona Alexander. I am starting this journey / healthy lifestyle weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds which is the heaviest I have ever weighed. Twenty one years old standing at five feet nine inches. I would love support if you are willing to give.

This is not my first try. There have been many attempts to start but it dies down. I can walk to the gym all excited and ready to take life at its hand but then somewhere between working out and walking back home I get depressed and tell myself I can not do this, making up all kinds of excuses etc. What is wrong with me? Why can't I do this.

I have always been the black sheep of the family. I do not have a relationship with either of my parents or family members even though I am around them all the time. I just feel unwanted and not meant to be apart of the family. I would go into details but it would be a whole lot. I'd have to write a book. Its like every time I try to move forward they constantly push me down. When my family sees that I am trying to get healthy they always say, " Do you want a plate of food?" , " Its not going to hurt if you eat a little bit.", " You wear a 4x right?", or they try to tell me, " You can eat it just not a lot. It wont hurt" then fix me a big plate! Ugh! I can not stand it. Its like they do not want me to succeed in life. I need to break through this.....hopefully with the help of your support.


  • Nascha333
    welcome! You are off to a right start. :)
    There will always be people who want to bring you down, some don't even realize their doing it.
    I have failed many, many times, but it is in the past. From this day forward look towards your future and NEVER GIVE UP. No matter what, you fail one day, two, who cares, keep going. It's a road worth being travelled. There is so much support on here and many who are and have been exactly where you are.
    Happy to help keep you motiviated along the way, sending a friend request.
    You can do this! :)
  • Thank you so very much.

    Last night I received a much needed text from a personal trainer who says that we can start doing two days a week sessions which is so freaking awesome!