Starting Atkins Phase 1 Today

So I joined this site a long time ago after hearing about it from a friend who is a major fan. I've been on a health and fitness journey for several years now. I've finally learned to love exercising and I've also transformed my eating habits. The thing I've never really gotten the hang of is food tracking. I've lost about 40 lbs over the years. I lost the majority of it during the first year. Since then, I'm basically holding steady--though I have managed to change my body composition through weight lifting.

I've decided that now is the time to kick things up a notch. I want to lose 10 - 15 more pounds. Most importantly, I want all of pounds to be fat. That's why I've decided to try Atkins.

I'm a 41 year old mother living in Northern California. I'd love to connect with other women around my age who are doing Atkins. I'm excited about it. But, I'm also a little scared. I've read up on the science behind it, but it still freaks me out to think about eating all of that fat!! We'll see how it goes.

I'm glad to be here! I'm hoping that being a part of a community made up of people with similar goals will keep me honest. From what I understand, accurate food tracking (to make sure you're eating the proper ratio of protein/fats/veggies) is key to making Atkins work.