Can I eat the same thing every day for a semester?



  • mariposasdeclaudia
    Good to see you trying to be more nutritious. With you going to Costco, they'll have loads of other foods which are still more beneficial for your system than pop tarts and will last a while. For example, prunes and dates are sweet and last forever without refrigeration. Leave a couple of bananas out to ripen but put the rest in the fridge to last longer. You mentioned your apples going off early. This will help should you purchase apples again. Costco is also a great place for non-breaded, pre-cooked/sliced chicken breast. You can make the portions as large or small as you like and are in a resealable bag. They also have loads of eggs for cheap or egg-white boxes should you choose. Either way would be as fast as unboxing/unwapping/toasting your non-preferred pop tarts. Sounds like you may just be tending towards the wrong foods while shopping, eh?

    Thank you! Bought bananas the other day and they're ready to eat now! :)
    I ate Tilapia yesterday night again ( about 9pm). I came home pretty late due to the Ecology Investigation i'm required to do...hadn't eaten breakfast and had scraps for lunch. I just wanted to go to sleep, but the fish was calling my name LOL.

    Yeah, that might be it. Poptarts just taste soo good that I can't stop buying them.
    This week has been pretty packed and Ive been trying to change my diet even though I inevitably ate less due to the schedule.
    I stopped weighing myself a couple months ago, but I did so yesterday. The scale said I'm maintaining I guess, and I have no intention to lose any.

    Oh, I did eat a bit of Pasta the other day!
  • mariposasdeclaudia
    I can't believe this is enough for you to maintain your weight. Sounds like 1,000 calories.

    Yet I'm still maintaining, with variations of course. A few weeks back when I was full with tests and works and stuff, I think i had dropped a few because I just felt my clothes ( especially my undergarment) slightly my guess would be dropping from my initial weight off 111lbs to 108ish. I was under a lot of academic pressure so all I did was eat my poptart in the morning and had the 6 nuggets at night and maybe a slice of bread later. My legs also looked a bit thinner..but now I'm back to where I was. :)
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Hey guys. I've been inactive here for a looong time ever since I started college.

    This has been (strictly) my diet for a long time:


    1. 1 low fat strawberry pop tart

    Snack in between classes/keep me awake: 80z coffee with cream and Splenda

    2. Lunch: Microwaveable Chefboyardee ( the ones that label themselves as Snacks but they fill me up too much to be considered snacks)

    3. Perhaps another coffee if I have Lab ( 3 hour labs) or a test later.

    I come home and usually do this:

    a. Eating 1 cameo, maybe an oreo too and a 2 or 3 ritz.
    b. Dinner: 5 Tyson nuggets ( the ones from costco) with maybe a mozarrella stick.
    c. Night snack ( this is around 11pm) : half slice of bread ( Holsum), a handful of cereal ( Fruitty pebbles), and maybe a bite out of another poptart and a bit out of a Fiber one brownie. ( as you can see, I can never decide what to eat)

    Stats: I've been maintaining weight for quite some times, with only slight variations depending on how stressed I am

    Height: 5 foot 6
    Weight: almost 50kg
    Age: 18

    I'm literally eating this every this bad?


    1) doubt you're eating enough
    2) certain you're not meeting your nutritional needs.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    I don't know why I am even posting in here, other than the 113 pound 5'6" girl who has purple fingers and is always cold if the temperature drops below 80. Bloating and abdominal pain are huge red flags, too. I figure she's on self-destruct, but then so was I at her age.

    Lots of excuses, but then so had I.

    Terrible diet, pretty much void of nutrition. It has to be affecting her ability to concentrate and learn during her classes.

    I just hope she wises up before doing irreparable serious damage to her brain and organs.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Eating the same thing every day is okay. Eating poor choices is not.

    I have a baby, am employed, and go to school full time, but I still manage to find time to cook some chicken/fish from time to time. Chicken is relatively cheap, too. Probably 4-5 USD for about three breasts. Certainly cheaper than Pop Tarts.

    I feel like time and money are excuses. I use them a lot too, but you can't survive on Pop Tarts and processed ravioli.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Seems like it would get boring...I sure as **** couldn't do it.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    There seems to be a missing part to this story.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't know why I am even posting in here, other than the 113 pound 5'6" girl who has purple fingers and is always cold if the temperature drops below 80. Bloating and abdominal pain are huge red flags, too. I figure she's on self-destruct, but then so was I at her age.

    Lots of excuses, but then so had I.

    Terrible diet, pretty much void of nutrition. It has to be affecting her ability to concentrate and learn during her classes.

    I just hope she wises up before doing irreparable serious damage to her brain and organs.

    ^Yeah, agreed. There is something not right with this situation.

    Ummm...just in case...just going to put this here:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have no problem with any of the foods you listed; however as a complete diet this sounds deficient in nutrients and calories.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Hey guys. I've been inactive here for a looong time ever since I started college.

    This has been (strictly) my diet for a long time:


    1. 1 low fat strawberry pop tart

    Snack in between classes/keep me awake: 80z coffee with cream and Splenda

    2. Lunch: Microwaveable Chefboyardee ( the ones that label themselves as Snacks but they fill me up too much to be considered snacks)

    3. Perhaps another coffee if I have Lab ( 3 hour labs) or a test later.

    I come home and usually do this:

    a. Eating 1 cameo, maybe an oreo too and a 2 or 3 ritz.
    b. Dinner: 5 Tyson nuggets ( the ones from costco) with maybe a mozarrella stick.
    c. Night snack ( this is around 11pm) : half slice of bread ( Holsum), a handful of cereal ( Fruitty pebbles), and maybe a bite out of another poptart and a bit out of a Fiber one brownie. ( as you can see, I can never decide what to eat)

    Stats: I've been maintaining weight for quite some times, with only slight variations depending on how stressed I am

    Height: 5 foot 6
    Weight: almost 50kg
    Age: 18

    I'm literally eating this every this bad?

    Yes it's bad. Obviously it's enough calories for you to be maintaining weight and hopefully not running to low on energy. However, everything you list is heavily processed and you make no mention of fruits and vegetables. Raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables are packed full of vitamins and minerals your body (everybody's body) needs to function at it's best and be properly healthy. Taking a multivitamin tablet will help, but your body absorbs vitamins and minerals more efficiently from natural foods than in the chemical form packed into a multivitamin. The heavily processed foods you list are generally high in sugar and sodium.

    In the short term, you can eat like this with little impact because your body will find a way to compensate. Eating like this over a long period of time is unhealthy and will likely lead to health problems. There is no time like today to make some changes, add in a fresh salad now and then, drop the pop-tart and grab some yogurt and a piece of fruit (apple, banana, etc). Instead of chicken nuggets, cook up a small chicken breast or lean pork chop trimmed of fat. It doesn't take much time or skill in the kitchen to vastly expand your food choices.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I eat pretty much the same things every day. I am a vegetarian and doing low carb so I don't have much choice. I eat eggs with cheese and 2 cups coffee for breakfast. Lunch is either a salad with olives , cucumbers and feta or a low carb wrap with cheese, tofurkey and mayo. Dinner is usually a veggie burger and salad Or broccoli salad or some other veggie like asparagus.I don't see anything wrong with eating the same thing as long as it has nutrition in it.
  • Yazza2
    Yazza2 Posts: 31
    That diet is pretty much terrible.. you're lacking so much nutrients. I can give you a proper diet plan if you want...
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    I don't know why I am even posting in here, other than the 113 pound 5'6" girl who has purple fingers and is always cold if the temperature drops below 80. Bloating and abdominal pain are huge red flags, too. I figure she's on self-destruct, but then so was I at her age.

    Lots of excuses, but then so had I.

    Terrible diet, pretty much void of nutrition. It has to be affecting her ability to concentrate and learn during her classes.

    I just hope she wises up before doing irreparable serious damage to her brain and organs.

    ^Yeah, agreed. There is something not right with this situation.

    Ummm...just in case...just going to put this here:

    another rare instance where we're on the same page.

    OP please consider talking with someone. Your food habits are incredibly unhealthy.
  • mariposasdeclaudia
    Hey, everyone! Thanks for all the input!

    I've changed my diet just a tiny bit since I've posted. I'm now eating the breaded Tilapia for dinner. The only thing that I think that cancels out that diet change is the skipping lunch. It's not that I want to skip lunch, but that I have to finish papers, meet deadlines and obviously have classes to attend.

    Yesterday I ate at my dad's house and cooked the Tilapia and fried a few I had that.

    I've been eating the bananas i bought, so I guess that's an improvement.
    I've bought a few turkey sandwiches in replacement of Chefboyardee.

    What can I complement my Tilapia with that's not rice ? I just it eat it alone.
  • sugarstrawberries
    sugarstrawberries Posts: 140 Member
    Eat a bag/serving of frozen veggies with your tilapia
  • arabellaflagg
    arabellaflagg Posts: 28 Member
    It's not that I want to skip lunch, but that I have to finish papers, meet deadlines and obviously have classes.

    Complete and utter bull$hit!
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    I think i did this in college

    Breakfast: Ramen Noodles
    Lunch: Ramen Noodles
    Dinner: Spaghetti/beer

    I did not say it was healthy, but it was dirt cheap so I could afford beer.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    It's not that I want to skip lunch, but that I have to finish papers, meet deadlines and obviously have classes.

    Complete and utter bull$hit!


    many of us were in college. you have time for lunch.

    nothing about your relationship with food is healthy, please listen to the plethora of advice given in this thread.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I went to college and was a pretty serious student. I still managed to eat all my meals. Humans need to eat. You won't be an effective student if you start suffering from nutritional deficiencies. You are already underweight. It's worrisome.
  • mariposasdeclaudia
    It's not that I want to skip lunch, but that I have to finish papers, meet deadlines and obviously have classes.

    Complete and utter bull$hit!


    many of us were in college. you have time for lunch.

    nothing about your relationship with food is healthy, please listen to the plethora of advice given in this thread.

    I don't think any of you can truly judge what my situation in college's pretty common in my faculty/concentration to overhear someone say "No he comido y tengo clase ahora mismo. " or "I haven't eaten and I have class right now."
    Tomorrow will be another busy day and I will obviously have to eat something before my 3-hour Lab.

    The university here in Puerto Rico is a always have to be on your toes. I'm trying my hardest to be able to study in the U.S. when I finish my bachelor's.

    When it comes to grades and finishing work, I'd rather wait a few more hours to take time to eat than not turn in the work and lower my grade.