'Heavy Lifting' at home?

There are so many people that have had such great success with lifting heavy, but can it be done at home? I don't have a lot of free weights, but I do have a home gym. Would that count as 'heavy lifting?" Is there a program that anyone follows for weights at home?

Thanks for your help/insight! I'd like to start incorporating weights and not concentrating so much on cardio, just not sure how beneficial the home gym will be, or how to come up with a good plan to follow!


  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    I think to do what most would consider heavy lifting (strong lifts or things like that) you need more along the lines of an Olympic bar to be able to get the heavy weight progression. Have you looked into local buy and sell groups you might be able to find some for cheap
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Just make sure that you are challenging yourself. Up your resistance when you get to a certain number of reps per set, and try to stick more to compound movements, the ones that you can do with your home gym will probably vary but google or any of the manuals that came with it should help you find those out. These give you the most bang for your time. I stick to deadlifts, squats, overhead press, bench press and rows, so trying to find modifications on your gym maybe.
  • JesseeS
    I "heavy lift" at home if I can't make it to the gym. I also have the advantage of having lots of vehicle parts around. You can lift anything in your home you can find, just make sure you lift it properly. That is key. A free weight home gym would be your best bet though.