Hard time finding BALANCE - eating too little



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    In the past two weeks, I've been working hard to feed my body nutritious foods. I use MFP to keep track of the food and to count the calories. MFP originally put me on 1200 calories, but my trainer told me to bump it up to 1400 for a while. That's fine.

    The problem is that sometimes I find myself eating as little as 900 calories ! I'm not trying to, it just happens.

    I know this is bad for me.

    The food that I am eating is all plant based with some organic meats...

    I just don't want to hurt myself, you know?

    Any advice?


    With all due respect,eating too few calories does not just happen. If you are eating lots of low calorie vegetables, then you know they are low calorie and that you need to get some calories in there somewhere.

    Get a jar of peanut butter, a tablespoon, and you've added 90 extra calories to your daily food intake, If you calories are not enough, then have some almond butter. Have an ounce of nuts, or maybe even some delicious Greek Yogurt.