calling all vegetarians

Ok, i recently decide to try and go semi-vegetarian... my concerns are what is considered enough protein??? I know you can get protein from other places than meat but im a little concerned that i will not get enough and was wondering how much i should shot for in a day!!! For now im still having milk, cheese, eggs, seafood.... and maybe some chicken (not sure bout it)!!! Like i said im going for semi-vegetarian to start and maybe do a little more later!!! Any advice or tips on how to make this an easy transition is appreciated!!! Since this past sunday i have not had any meat other than a little imitation crab meat in my california roll last night. Do i need to take any supplements or things of that nature??? Thanks!!!!


  • Hey I've been a vegetarian for like 3 months now and the transition was pretty easy! I just went right into it. Eggwhites are amazing for protein. And they're very low cal. I get the eggbeaters ones in the carton and make some eggwhite omeletes. Also, yogurt. Which is like my obsession. Ummm edamame has protein too (soy beans). Also beans of any other nature. You could also get some vegetarian meat. I don't eat it all the time because it seems a little fake, but if I'm really in the mood for a burger, I go and grill up one of my veggie burgers ^.^ Ohhhh and tofu is actually really good. Just make sure you season it properly! I usually just fry mine is some soysauce. You don't really need to worry about the protein. It's the iron. I lost my period for a couple months and had to start taking supplements, but that's about it. Hope it helped :D
  • runcdizzy
    i transitioned about December of last year. my main source of protein is seafood, eggs, milk, tofu and of course protein shakes. at first it was hard cooking separate meals but it gets easier. i jotted down some easy recipes. I'll try to get you some this weekend. A favorite in my household is salmon patties. I feed my family a good amount of meat but not everyday. Some days they eat vegetarian. As long as it's good they'll eat anything.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    i transitioned about December of last year. my main source of protein is seafood, eggs, milk, tofu and of course protein shakes. at first it was hard cooking separate meals but it gets easier. i jotted down some easy recipes. I'll try to get you some this weekend. A favorite in my household is salmon patties. I feed my family a good amount of meat but not everyday. Some days they eat vegetarian. As long as it's good they'll eat anything.

    Thanks i would love any recipes that you have to share!!!!