Is there damage in eating really high carb?

I'm set at 1700 calories and I find it very, very hard to meet that goal. However, I'm 5'4 and 104 lbs (164cm, ~47kg) so it would obviously do me some good to up my calories.

Anyway, because I'm trying to cut out meat (and become pescetarian for the meantime), my carbs tend to be very high and protein very low. I was at ~850 cals before dinner today so, finding myself with lots of wiggle room, I stuffed myself for dinner (and I now regret extremely).

Due to limited options, I ate cabbages and lots of taro (I logged it in as 1.5 cups), then a huge THICK slice (1-2 normal slices?) of pumpernickel bread, a pack of soda crackers, and a wax apple. I felt really bad for having so many carbs and no protein, so I broke my personal rule (oops) and ate some stewed beef as well.

Shockingly, I consumed probably 150g of carbs for dinner tonight, putting me at 300g of carbs for the day. !!! How bad is this?? I'm not a strict calorie counter and I don't measure my foods, but I'm pretty sure I have at least 200g of carbs everyday, and these days it has been averaging out to be ~250g, and in extreme cases, up to 300g like today.

My protein ranges from 40 - 80g


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Don't worry about the carbs thats not an extreme amount. You just need to eat more food. With a BMI of 17 you need to eat a lot more food. Go for more calorie dense foods. You say you don't measure your foods so I'm guessing your no where near your 1700. Measure foods eat more. If you up your calories to a decent amount Protein will naturally increase. Go for beans legumes, Tofu, Peas all are high in protein and pretty calorie dense
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    It's not bad. It's not bad for your weight loss, it's all about calories. And it is not bad for your health either. Only case when you should worry about how much carbs you ate is if you have any health problems what may get worse if you ate a lot of carbs, like diabetes for example. Otherwise carbs will do you no harm. Also, 300g is not a lot. I know people who ate around 600. I used to ate that much myself. It's not bad, whatever works for you.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    If you are cutting back on your protein and increasing your carbs and eating a calorie deficit, you would be risking losing lean mass.

    I would suggest rather than getting unqualified opinions on this forum - see your doctor or a qualified (and repeatable) nutritionist for best advice.

    Good luck!