Stationary Bike- Good for beginners?

Hi All,

I am just starting to get back into a good fitness routine (having been out of one for around a year) and I have just given up smoking so my fitness levels are slowly going back up.

I don't want to overdo it and I know that my stamina will rebuild itself overtime which I am fine with (and kind of excited about)

I was wondering if stationary bike is a good for beginners and cardio??

Any advice would be appreciated :-)



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you like doing it, it's a fine choice.

    I find that sort of thing a bit boring and prefer cycling outside given the choice.
  • whitemutant
    whitemutant Posts: 3 Member
    I started on a stationary bike about 1 month ago. I was over 19 stone, so it was a challenge to even get on and off it! I have arthritis in both knees, but was advised to get the bike as this puts less strain on the knees than walking. Now down to 18 stone and feeling great! If I don't use the bike, I don't lose weight, no matter how much I diet.
  • whitemutant
    whitemutant Posts: 3 Member
    I usually put a video on, and set up the bike in front of it, to get over the boredom. I also have some videos of roads and cycle tracks in Switzerland etc. which I watch, adjusting the difficulty to match the terrain
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I ride a stationary bike in the winter. It's good for burning calories and basic fitness. But once the snow melts I switch to outdoor riding. It's not only a lot more fun, but I also tend to push myself harder when I'm outside.
  • Micha121
    Wow 1 stone already! that's great keep it up :-)

    Yes, it's just for a while so I can get my fitness levels up and it's winter here in UK so outside exercise isn't the best fun! I can't wait for summer to go biking outside and running!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Pretty mild Winter though - temperature has been great for running I'd say (day or evening).
    Doing the same level of exercise in the summer, even in the evening I'm dripping with sweat - this sort of temperature keeps me about right; even in the evenings I'm at least loosening the zip on on my cycling fleece style thingy.
    Cycling it's self you get more windchill, but I try and use the bike got local stuff like shopping etc and do fine - means that I get a few more calories burnt.
  • Micha121
    It's been raining non stop where I am...not great! Mind you it has become milder in the last week but still too cold for me lol...I'm always cold!

    I have got a huge heath nearby to me where I used to cycle as a kid...defo going to look at doing more of that!!
    Pretty mild Winter though - temperature has been great for running I'd say (day or evening).
    Doing the same level of exercise in the summer, even in the evening I'm dripping with sweat - this sort of temperature keeps me about right; even in the evenings I'm at least loosening the zip on on my cycling fleece style thingy.
    Cycling it's self you get more windchill, but I try and use the bike got local stuff like shopping etc and do fine - means that I get a few more calories burnt.