
Did this briefly elsewhere, but we'll do it more here.

40 in July, been trying to improve fitness for last 3 years, but real life and dad duty gets in the way a lot of times. I am my stepsons baseball and football coach, and have a 4 year old who loves to play princesses with daddy.

Been in athletics my whole life, was a wrestler, football, baseball, track guy in High School, played 2 years of College Baseball, so I've been relatively fit my entire life. That is...until I started working at a bank and later got married. Time I would normally be using for my gym time was now spent wooing my spouse, eating out, and rather well (marrying an italian is very difficult for weight managment, but I wouldn't change it for anything).

Over the past 2 years, I've done P90 and P90x. I had more results with P90 because the workouts were shorter, and I just couldn't commit to P90x due to the length of the workouts. By the time I had time to work out it was 9pm and I was exhausted from being up at 6am, which would lead to half-assed workouts and half-assed results.

Started back up a few weeks ago with a C25K program (starting week 3 today), and today was my first session of Focus T25, which was harder than I realized, especially since I had the wrong shoes on. I can do 25 minutes. add in my 30 minute run at the gym at lunch...there's nearly an hour of workouts built around my day. I'm also 8 days in to the Advocare 24 day challenge, where I'm down 8 lbs.

My goal is to get to 170 (sit at 183 now, started at 191). Ideally I'd like to get to 160ish and then build myself back up to 175-180 in terms pure lean muscle mass.

One day at a time.