Looking friends to encourage each other

Hi everyone,

Desperately need friends on here, so that I'm accountable for sticking to this and also to encourage each other.

A wee bit about me :- I'm female, 6 foot 3" tall and at present I'm weighing in at 18stone 2.5 pounds. I've always been overweight but 2.5 years ago I had an accident (foot dislocated) and after surgery, I had to learn how to walk. I now walk with a limp and find it very difficult to walk any distance. So I have managed to put on 3 stone in this time and now I really need to get it off. I did go to slimming world and managed to shift 2 stone (gained 1 back since), but can't afford to go to classes now. Had also tried Herbalife and found it good, but expensive so now doing a bit of a mixture of a cheaper protein shake with added psyllium husk for 2 meals and a sensible dinner. My problem is after dinner....the boredom/cravings kick in and full packets of biscuits just disappear lol. Think it would help me if I had friends that I'm 'accountable' to, so it would be a bit like slimming world groups. Its also just nice to have more friends :) Sorry if I've rambled

Julie xx


  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • mookdog94
    mookdog94 Posts: 8 Member
    I hear you, I get the after-dinner pre-sleep hunger cravings too! I tried taking some food "out" of my dinner portion, and eating it an hour or so later. That way I ate the same amount, but it felt like I was late-snacking! Or else maybe you can pre-schedule what you are going to let yourself eat at that time. If you've already planned ahead, (and put just one or biscuits instead of a whole pack into a ziplock baggy), then you'll be less likely to fall off the bandwagon when the cravings hit!

    Hopefully that can help!
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    I hear you, I get the after-dinner pre-sleep hunger cravings too! I tried taking some food "out" of my dinner portion, and eating it an hour or so later. That way I ate the same amount, but it felt like I was late-snacking!

    ^ This! This has helped me so much (I've only been on here for a week) but I've been a big fan of saving some leftovers of my dinner to snack on later.
  • 2199216
    2199216 Posts: 15 Member
    add me, like the other lady was saying I get the 8-10 p.m. needing to snack if I could stop snacking I could really lose weight so I am trying other things to stop snacking. Maybe eve trying to stop eating at a certain time so that I don't snack
  • macariosmom
    Add me! i'm always good for a kick in the butt to keep moving, be it your kick or one to myself. LOL We can do this!!!
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Lately I've been having a little snack before bed, and that helps me. I make sure I save enough calories for it but still eat well during the day. I can't live off those shakes. If you deprive yourself during the day then you'll feel really hungry at night, even after dinner, because your body is trying to make up for starving all day. At least, that's been my own experience. I'm slowly but surely working on my own eating habits. Right now what seems to be working is eating a very light breakfast, having a light mid-morning snack, but then having a good lunch and good dinner, and a bedtime snack. Maybe you could have a shake for breakfast but then eat some real food for lunch, like grilled chicken and a salad. IDK, just making suggestions since I'm also a night eater and trying to adjust to that accordingly. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • Brina487
    feel free to add me..;)
  • jules1506
    Wow thank you for all the great replies and advice. I'm dosed with the flu atm so have no desire to eat (which is fantastic for me lol). Hoping that this might stop the raiding in the evenings as all I've managed today was a protein shake and black tea. I think my main problem is boredom, I get to the evening and even have a late dinner and I still go raiding even though I'm telling myself to behave. I see that I have 'free' calories left and take out. But with having all of you's as friends will really help me as I will come on here instead to see what everyone is up to :) I'm in the UK so my time zone will be way out with most of you's but hopefully that won't matter :) Thanks again everyone xx