General diet and weight loss help

It can be really challenging to exercise (even 30 min walks) when you have DJD in both hips, but today is my first day to try! Oops trying to learn how to post and made a boo boo, LOL!!! I will eventually learn. I joined this site a long time ago and just now able to begin my journey.


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I don't know what DJD is but I'm guessing there a ways around it. Swimming is a good venue for folks with mobility issues--the water supports you and you burn lots of calories--and tone those muscles!

    Good luck, if you need a friend just shoot me a friend invite.! Good luck
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    A lot of people will say losing weight, if you're overweight, is 80% diet.

    What are you looking for help with, exactly?
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    A lot of people will say losing weight, if you're overweight, is 80% diet.

    What are you looking for help with, exactly?

    And they will be right. You lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. You don't have to exercise at all to do that.
  • legalw
    I was trying to find the blog where someone was asking if it was unhealthy to lose 1 lb every 1 or two days which is what is going on with me. I started a new health regime (if you want to call it) about 2 1/2 months ago and I have a profile on myfitnesspal and I set it up and they advised a 1200 calorie a day diet for my lifestyle. At work I sit a lot but after work I go walk on the treadmill for about 40 minutes at a speed of (starting 3.7 then increase to 3.8 every half a mil until I get to 4.1) which gives me a great workout. I have not stopped eating at all but I have been eating more vegetables and decreased my portions to see if that would help me lose and it has and I am losing 1 lb everyday or every other day. Is this healthy? Any advice would be very helpful.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I was trying to find the blog where someone was asking if it was unhealthy to lose 1 lb every 1 or two days which is what is going on with me. I started a new health regime (if you want to call it) about 2 1/2 months ago and I have a profile on myfitnesspal and I set it up and they advised a 1200 calorie a day diet for my lifestyle. At work I sit a lot but after work I go walk on the treadmill for about 40 minutes at a speed of (starting 3.7 then increase to 3.8 every half a mil until I get to 4.1) which gives me a great workout. I have not stopped eating at all but I have been eating more vegetables and decreased my portions to see if that would help me lose and it has and I am losing 1 lb everyday or every other day. Is this healthy? Any advice would be very helpful.
    You need to be eating more food. What is your height? Are you hitting your macros, esp protein and fat?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Original is old
    Second one, eat more.
  • legalw
    I am 5'6" not sure what macros are. I am getting all my proteins, I eat only vegetables for lunch and dinner, salad, etc and breakfast is either a couple of hard boiled eggs but recently I am eating a bowl of oatmeal and fruit in the morning. I try to only eat meat once a week (red meat) but I eat a lot of fish.