Office Birthday Treats

I'm in charge of ordering birthday treats for my office, and most of us are on diets. I'm looking for healthy(er) treat options. I'm happy to bake, so recipes are welcome as well as ordering ideas.

Any suggestions (besides Edible Arrangements)? FYI There is a Whole Foods within delivery distance of my office.



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Talk with others in your office and get their ideas! Fruit is a great idea. I also think maybe you guys could have a healthy version of potluck instead of just treats (if you all "lunch" together frequently). Maybe a huge salad with everyone contributing different toppings? And then fruit and/or some healthier cookies or brownies (I found a great zucchini banana brownie recipe on Pinterest although it does have a considerable amount of sugar still so maybe not ideal).

    I think talking with everyone else to see what they think could be good!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I'm in charge of ordering birthday treats for my office, and most of us are on diets. I'm looking for healthy(er) treat options. I'm happy to bake, so recipes are welcome as well as ordering ideas.

    Any suggestions (besides Edible Arrangements)? FYI There is a Whole Foods within delivery distance of my office.


    What about getting just enough mini-cupcakes so each person can have just one? They should be under 200 calories, easily. Then people who aren't on diets and love cake (or people like me who ARE losing weight but don't diet!) can still enjoy something awesome.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    I wish my office was more in favor of healthy food. I would not suggest low-fat because that is just more sugar. Sugar-free doesnt work for some people because of the sugar alcohol causing digestive issues. Go with natural foods: fruits, veggies, hummus is great. if you want to bake, try clean eating sites to find recipes. You can substitute applesauce, dates, and bananas for sugar. Dates especially are very sweet. Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm in charge of ordering birthday treats for my office, and most of us are on diets. I'm looking for healthy(er) treat options. I'm happy to bake, so recipes are welcome as well as ordering ideas.

    Any suggestions (besides Edible Arrangements)? FYI There is a Whole Foods within delivery distance of my office.


    What about getting just enough mini-cupcakes so each person can have just one? They should be under 200 calories, easily. Then people who aren't on diets and love cake (or people like me who ARE losing weight but don't diet!) can still enjoy something awesome.

    on a personal level this would be my preference :-) I'd eat the yummy frosting and throw the cake away...but yes. Delicious!