What is your favorite healthy treat during the holiday?

Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
I thought that perhaps with the coming holidays we should do some meal ideas that are healthy and delicious. I have a Cranberry Salad that we have not had a holiday without that I will post. We also love an Asian Chicken Salad that we have recently added.

What are yours?



  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I thought that perhaps with the coming holidays we should do some meal ideas that are healthy and delicious. I have a Cranberry Salad that we have not had a holiday without that I will post. We also love an Asian Chicken Salad that we have recently added.

    What are yours?

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Well, this will be the 1st holiday which I will be having healthy foods so we'll see what I come up with.
  • Nevada
    Nevada Posts: 140 Member
    My sister was doing weight watchers last year,and made some great pumpkin pies. More squash pie than creamy pumpkin, but very good. Will see if I can get the recipe.
  • Nevada
    Nevada Posts: 140 Member
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I gotta say, I love my sunflower seeds. they not only give you some protien and good fat, they keep your mouth busy for a long time for the amount of food you are ingesting.
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    I love cranberries - I make them all kinds of ways, but I especially like it mixed with some orange marmalade. They are so simple to make and so tasty! I also really like a cold turkey sandwhich with a tiny bit of cream cheese and cranberry sauce.
  • sassycass
    sassycass Posts: 18 Member
    Brussel sprouts & carrots broiled. I don't know why I never think to make these on non-holiday times, but I don't. I love them.

    Halve the sprouts, slice the carrots, mix with seasonings (I use garlic, garlic & more garlic), 2 tsps of olive oil and broil for about 20 minutes, flipping half way through. Delish.
  • CPX00
    CPX00 Posts: 1
    sweet potatoes and squash, yum.
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    I am a sucker for pies and cookies :love:

    I love to bake, so it has been a challenge to avoid the oven this fall. When I have gotten the urge, I have made some treat, eaten a very small portion within my calorie allowance, then either taken the goodies to work or given them to my daughter to take home!

    Now.....yesterday was another story! Since I decided that MFP didn't exist, I went a little nuts with the baked goods and candy :drinker: . BUT......I am getting back on track right away. Losing 15 lbs in 9 weeks left me feeling too good about myself to destroy my progress!