Best Cross Trainers for Flat Feet?

So I am on the hunt for cross trainers that will help me get through my Zumba workouts. I fell off the fitness wagon this time last year and am now at my heaviest weight yet. I lost a LOT of weight when I was doing Zumba at home and I was wearing plain old walking shoes and I didn’t really have a problem. When I went to start working out again recently, I would get maybe two songs into the routine before I get a pain in the arch of my foot (think biting flames and stinging not unlike when your foot falls asleep) that RADIATES back to my heels. I would have to kick my shoes off (instant relief) and just do the workouts barefoot. I figured that my shoes were just too worn out, so I googled some suggestions and bought a new pair. SAME PAIN. Asked for some suggestions from the staff at the shoe store and 4 PAIRS OF CROSS TRAINERS LATER I am STILL in PAIN! I finally stepped onto a foot mapping center (Dr. Scholls) and discovered I have low arches. I figured now that I knew the problem, it would be easy enough to Google a solution right?

NO! EVERY website and article I Google offers suggestions on what to look for, but no ACTUAL shoes suggestions or even brands! Im getting REALLY frustrated because I don’t want to have to RUIN my feet simply because I cant find a good pair for my flat feet. Does anyone else have this problem? Better yet does anyone have any shoe suggestions for me to research? I would LOVE any suggestions!


  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 393 Member
    It sounds like you have plantar fasciitis. I recently began having pain from this myself. I'm not sure if it's because I need better shoes (although I wear good brands like Clarks, Easy Spirit and Crocs) or if it's from the extra weight I'm carrying. Here is an exercise than can help. Stand with 1 foot about 2-3 feet in front of you, with that knee bent. Stretch the other leg out straight keeping the foot flat on the ground so you feel the pull in your calf and Achilles tendon. You can switch it up by bending the back leg a bit to stretch other muscles. I find that this helps a LOT if I can remember to do it several times a day.

    I know this didn't answer your shoe question, but maybe it will help anyway!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Usually going barefoot makes arch pain worse for people with flat arches, but in your case, since it makes it better, you might look into "barefoot shoes", like Merrell's Barefoot, Vibram 5 Fingers, New Balance Minimus, etc. If you want a little more protection, try Keds or Converse, or any similar shoe with a thin, flexible sole. Working out barefoot of course is another option.

    Also work on improving your arch flexibility. Here is a good stretch to do hourly:

    Keep us posted how it goes..