Intro: Determined, Focused, Motivated and Out of Shape

Good Morning All, I am Shawn from North Mississippi (10 miles south of Memphis , TN). I am 36, out of shape, over weight, and have the lung capacity of a tree. My profile list my goals, which is basically for my children, but deep down they are for me just as much as for them. I ordered P90x3 while sitting on the couch watching basketball (Go Tigers), and eating a Wendy's Double cheeseburger, fries and coke. I am now at Block 1, Week 3, Day 3 (completed Yoga) this morning. I absolutely love, enjoy, and see a big difference over the last 3 weeks (other than Yoga, on Yoga Days I feel more like a clown at a funeral service). I know the results could be even better with a change in eating habits, and every once in a while a word of encouragement, so that how, I got to myfitnesspal and decided to join a little support group like this one. Wide open for advice, critic, and pointers. Thanks for listening.

I remember waking up one morning after a long night of heavy drinking, stepped on the scale and had lost 2 1/2 pounds. There ya go folks, Dignity weighs 2 1/2 pounds