It's all about the Dirty 30's!



  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Turning 35 tomorrow, add FR sent! :) It's harder when you're older that's for sure.
  • fridgepicker26

    Your post sounded so similar to mine... I'm also 31, today is my first day, I'm fed up of being the way I am too, and I'm also looking for inspirational friends.

    Please add me if you'd like to (same for everyone).
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    31 years young here. I've always been an athlete but am currently in the BEST shape of my life! I can run circles around most 21 year olds, and I don't plan on slowing down!

    Great job on signing up for the race; that gives you a tangible deadline to train for. I highly recommend looking even further out on your calendar and upping it to a 10K (flat course?) or a ~5K Mud Run/Fun Run type of race. That will keep you focused in the midst of and past your upcoming 5K...Always Be Training!
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I'm turning 33 this weekend. It feels like every year I have to cut more and more foods out to stay trim. On the other hand, it is nice to be old enough to show a little cleavage without some well meaning older lady letting me know that my blouse doesn't fit. Guess they figure that if I don't know how to dress by now there is no helping me :wink:
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    It is so long ago I cannot remember much about my 30s .... but ... when I was there ....

    I had a job, young children, home, hobbies, social life .... it was exhausting. At first I thought it was my lifestyle.

    Eventually, went to the doctor. I had anaemia (iron deficiency) and bilharzia (a tropical parasitic disease)

    I really think it is worth a visit to the Dr ... you just never know. It might be a quick fix?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    32 and joined a month ago. The changes have been slow but wonderful to see nevertheless.
  • krchapa79
    Guys..Thank you Thank you Thank you for ALL of the encouranging words and awesome advice! I did download the c25k app.. used it today during lunch to go walk at the park across from the hospital where I work. Awesome! I really felt I was going to no but seriously it helped alot!
    Thank you for all the advice on logging, I am AMAZED at how many calories things that I "thought" were healthy actually were..No more unhealthy salads thats for sure! Who knew I could make something as healthy as a salad become more than a double
    Orion- I am definitaly going to check out a mud run! Totally my cup of tea there! This 5k I will be doing is a blacklight run and I am super excited to be helping out our hospital(children's) and proving to myself that I can do this! -Not to mention the blacklight after-party sounds pretty awesome:)
    Thanks so much everyone! I will add you guys and hopefully learn so much from each other!
    ps: sunbrooke- lol! i totally know how you feel!
  • CharlieSmurfetteFarley
    Hi, Sent you a friend request! I'm only 27 but I kind of feel well over 30- Been single for about a year after 10 years mostly in a kind of destructive relationship and preparing to make my 30's the best and happiest; doing things for me, my happiness, self identity and the whole career change thing - becoming a personal trainer. im also plotting mud runs! Anyone else may add!