Pregnant Friends trying to stay healthy??

23yrs, 5'3, First baby
Pre Preg weight: 168
16 weeks: 180

I feel like I am so flabby and cheeky. I have been making poor food choices I guess. A lot of eating out is probably not helping. I don't even look pregnant yet i just look fat :(

Any tips


  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Relax, you are pregnant, not fat.

    In a few weeks, you will look pregnant, in a few more, you will wish you could see your toes. Enjoy your journey, make good food choices, but don't deny any cravings, even if it is for pickles and ice cream, ask your doctor how many calories you need and follow along, but don't stress if you go over on a day, don't under eat, exercise in moderation with doctors approval (walking is great!) and take your vitamins.

    I am a firm believer that your body knows what amount of weight it needs for you and your baby, so don't stress.

    This part of your life is all about bringing a healthy baby into your family. Your body is amazing and it will become unrecognizable to you, but you are still beautiful, embrace the journey.

    Love, A mom of 5 biological children and one adopted.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I was at my heaviest when pregnant, but the strange thing is, I had NO problem with my body. It was the first time in my adult life that I felt like my body looked like what it was supposed to look like. Make healthy food choices for the little growing person in there and enjoy!
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the advise :) I know my baby is more important than anything else. Its just that I don't want to let my self go. These past couple months I've notice more cellulite and it freaks me out because I was trying so hard to get rid of it or at least shape it up. I know I should be active but i had horrible back aches these past months. Now that I feel better i will try do get on my elliptical more often.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    My exercise of choice was walking and I had an elastic band that I wore around my belly as it got heavier. You might check into that; I don't know if it would help with backaches. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    EDA: I think there is a group of pregnant women (like there are any pregnant men :laugh: ) here on MFP. Not sure where to find them, but the search button might help.
  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    Hey there. I have a daughter who is about to turn 1 year in about a month. Let me tell you I can understand the feeling of "oh my god I'm gaining weight!!" that you go through. I had just gotten into the best shape I had been in for a looooong time right before getting pregnant.

    My weight before pregnancy: 158 (I'm about 5'7")
    My PEAK weight during pregnancy: 206 (right before giving birth) this made my jaw drop as I had never hit the 200 lb mark
    My weight almost 1 year later: 158 and dropping :)

    Moral of the story...make HEALTHY choices while pregnant!! Don't count calories and eat WHENEVER you are hungry...but eat good foods (eggs, fruit, veggies, whole grains) as opposed to take out and sweets and junk!! You can of course eat some ice cream or cookies here and there because we all get those cravings (pregnant or not) DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!! This helps with fluid retention.

    Ignore the "oh you're eating for two" attitude that most people adopt. It is MUCH easier to gain weight while pregnant and if you let yourself eat unhealthy foods often don't be surprised when it piles on.... which isn't good for you or baby.

    During the second trimester I had to consciously tell myself it was time to eat healthier because I was gaining weight too quickly and didn't want to have to deal with it after the baby came.

    Understand that ALOT of the weight gain is water (retention, fluid around the baby etc.) that you will lose quickly after giving birth, especially if you choose to breastfeed. I literally lost 20 pounds in 5 days after giving birth.

    And keep in will have time to work on yourself after you enjoy becoming a Mother for the first time!! It is amazing and trust me the last thing you will care about for a while is that cellulite you were talking about. My daughter was 8 months old before I started getting serious about managing my weight again. There is a lot you can do to stay active with your baby also!! Look into getting a jogging stroller...I love mine and can't wait to get out with my daughter once winter is over!!

    Congratulations!! And if you have anymore questions feel free to message me :)
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    I a currently 7 weeks along, pregnancy #5. I am 5'7" and 137lbs. With my first son, I was at 150lbs and topped the scaled at 220lbs just before giving birth. I developed what I called "jiggly foot syndrome" - this is where the tops of your feet jiggle while you walk. I believed being pregnant gave me the license to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted bc I was now "eating for two"....this thought process has caused me to put on so much weight for the past 8 years, it is ridiculous and why I am doing things differently this time.

    First off, talk to your OB/doctor/midwife and see what they say about your weight and your diet. You will most likely hear, your doing fine, everythings good, etc without any real advice. From my own research this is what I will be doing to make sure no unneccessary "mama weight" is packed on and it is all or 90% is baby weight. The first trimester I am maintaining at 1700 calories bc it works for me. Second trimester I will add an additional 200 calories and the third I will add 300, that's it.

    Remember, your not actually eating for two. The baby is a leach and will take whatever it needs from your body without asking first (such as taking nutrients from your bones). You are eating for 1.5 people, and that's in the third trimester when the baby is 4lbs and up (depending on the baby, you, and genetics). Take your prenatal vitamin religiously to supply your body with what you need for nutrients, then eat an appropriate amount for your growing baby without going over board, as I did.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    You have a small frame with a lot of weight at mid pregnancy, speak with your OB provider and maybe seek an appt. with a dietician at this point to guide you along. Check with your provider regarding proper exercise based on where you are now. EAT GOOD FOOD! The last half of pregnancy can be a pound packer. Have other activities to do besides eat. Really during pregnancy you only need about 300 extra calories a day over your normal, which is like a half of a nut butter sandwhich. Soon you'll be having a blood glucose test which will add more info to your game plan. Eat well. Avoid processed foods for many good reasons.
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for all the advise! :)
  • jessietaryn93
    Hey, I'm 22w4d... I know how your feeling.

    I was 212 before I got pregnant. I'm now 224.. And I'm hating my body.. I don't look pregnant. Just fat.

    My own mother actually made a comment the other day about how people must just think I'm obese.. It hurts. I've never been this heavy before so I'm struggling.

    You deff aren't alone and you just have to remember that the only thing that matters is that your baby is healthy. Your baby will love you regardless of what weight/size you are. If you ever need to talk you can message/add me :)
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I was 19 when I had my first baby. Before I got pregnant I could eat what I wanted and never gain an ounce. I gained about 70lbs and it messed me up after she was born. I wish I was healthy and active during my pregnancy.
    I don't want you to stress but just remember to take care of yourself too. Go for little walks and make some good choices with food. And especially enjoy every bit of this. It is so amazing what our bodies can do.
    Congrats. :smile:
    I am so ready for my third baby. I'm still working on talking hubby into it though.