Pregnant and trying to lose or maintain?

cr9576 Posts: 79 Member

I am 23 yrs, 5'3 and this is my First baby
Pre Preg weight: 168
16 weeks: 180

I feel like I am so flabby and cheeky. My back has been killing me these first couple months so I have been in no mood to work out! (and I have an elliptical at home) I have been making poor food choices I guess. A lot of eating out is probably not helping. I don't even look pregnant yet i just look fat :( I'm only supposed to gain 15-20 pounds for the pregnancy. Can anyone recommend a certain diet I can do, tips, or just a buddy that is on the same page as me is appreciated :)


  • WideAsleepMom
    You're bound to gain some weight during pregnancy. Focus on eating healthy food and keeping active as long as your body can handle it. Loosing weight shouldn't be your goal while pregnancy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    you should talk to your doctor about this. Did your doctor tell you only 15-20 lbs?
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    Just focus on eating healthy and keep active as long as you feel comfortable enough to do so. You shouldn't be trying to lose weight while pregnant unless you have a medical condition and have spoken to your doctor regarding this.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I agree to focus on eating a balanced diet. You should NOT be aiming to lose weight. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about intake, no one should be giving you advice but them about this as you need to make sure you're giving your baby proper nutrition.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I read "What to Eat When You're Expecting." It's a lot, and I tried to adhere to it as best as I could. It's more focused on eating nutrient-dense food for the benefit of your baby than actually managing your weight gain. I suggest you to hold on to that mindset and talk to your doctor.
  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    You should not try to lose wight while pregnant. Also, your a little low on your weight gain expectations. For someone in the overweight category for your height you should be gaining at least 15-25 lbs... However, even if you go over that, you have to understand that the 'normal' pregnancy weight gain is 25-35 lbs. That goes up if there is twins... And I assume that is a average, so some people will gain more, I have gained 34lbs so far, and my obgyn has not told me that I have been gaining too much.

    What you can do, if you feel 'fat' is to work on cutting out needless calories, Sweets, pop (Caffeine can be bad for baby anyway), and focus on eating more nutritional calories. The doctors told me when I first got pregnant that is was OK to work on a 2000 Calorie diet. However, I ended up stopping counting calories a while after that, and just ate... I have eaten a bit too much candy over the holidays but that is my own fault.

    ~Pre-pregnacy weight 200lbs
    ~ Current weight 234lbs.
    ~35 Weeks pregnant