I want you to brag on yourself



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Best feature? Gonna have to go with my boobs....... unfortunately they are melting away with the rest of my fat but I am finding new things about myself that I love! Like who knew my waist could look so defined? :bigsmile:

    I know, doesn't it stink?? They are always the first thing to go!! hehe
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Best feature? Gonna have to go with my boobs....... unfortunately they are melting away with the rest of my fat but I am finding new things about myself that I love! Like who knew my waist could look so defined? :bigsmile:

    I know, doesn't it stink?? They are always the first thing to go!! hehe

    :indifferent: I was going to comment, but then thought better of it. Please disregard. :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Best feature? Gonna have to go with my boobs....... unfortunately they are melting away with the rest of my fat but I am finding new things about myself that I love! Like who knew my waist could look so defined? :bigsmile:

    I know, doesn't it stink?? They are always the first thing to go!! hehe

    I know right? It's pretty brutal!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Hmmm this is a hard one for me. But hey I think I can try it out.

    My favorite thing about me is my mind. Not much of a feature but I am proud of being able to think on my own and make decisions and having forsight.

    I guess the other features I like are my eyes and even though I love rich colored hair I ilke mine alright.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I love my smile and my eyes. I'm starting to love my arms and legs and butt :happy: I am most proud of being a coach. It's not even the basketball part of it. It's being a positive influence in those girls lives. I love being that person they can come to or look up to. I'm also one heck of a girlfriend :smile:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Ok folks, there are still a lot of you who haven't bragged about yourself! C'mon! Tell us what makes you rock!

    If you post it will make me :bigsmile: . If you don't I will :sad: . Don't be the person who makes me :sad: !!!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I'm honest and trustworthy - to a fault - I can also be tackless and stubborn. I defend the defenseless, especially animals and the elderly. I'm a sucker for the pathetic. Show me a cat that has 3 legs, 1 eye, a heart condition, and 2 months left to live, and I'll have another cat in my house.

    Fitness/health - what I have accomplished in the past year:
    Total cholesterol down
    Triglycerides - way down
    Quit smoking
    No longer eat: HFCS, hydrogenated oils, non-whole grain flour, butter, or white sugar.
    Now eat: at least 6 servings of fruits & veggies a day
    Can take any class the gym offers
    Think an hour on the elliptical is fairly easy

    Other things I have accomplished (so longer than the past year):
    I'm off the scale on flexibility & balance tests

    will take strength and cardio tests soon

    Oh, and I'm almost half way to my goal weight.

    Oh, did you say "a little" :wink:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Shoot Jeremy you're good! lol

    I love reading about everyone and I will concur on all counts! you all rock!

    ugh...this is hard for me to do lets see...

    I take pride in being a really good mom to my precious boy...its hard not to be w/ all the love I feel for him....he's the best thing I've ever done!:heart:

    People have said I have pretty eyes....pretty smile...sort of an hour glass figure which I like...just need it to be alittle (lot) smaller lol....I'm a great dancer lol, and good athlete, pretty good artist and a great cook, um, I love to laugh and I think I'm funny sort of dorky and corny but funny....usually lol....I love to make people feel good about themselves because they should ...we all should....we're good, God doesn't make nothing bad! lol

    I love and cherish my family and I'm a good daughter, sister, friend and wife....I love hard, care for hard, and worry hard (guess that last one was not so good!)

    I'm bright but down to earth and really really easy going! ...

    so wow that's quite a bit for a girl who said it was hard to do LOL

    woopsie!:blushing: hugs! and thanks for doing this!
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    I think I'm most proud of raising happy girls who are compassionate to others. You can tell that my girls are happy because people are always commenting on how they smile all the time. I do take credit for it, because I believe that kids give what they get. I so want to be a good role model for my daughters. Teach them to be strong and self-reliant. The sky's the limit!

    I'm proud (and shocked) that I've become an avid exerciser. I've never before done that in my life as consistently as I've done this past year. I just decided I was gonna do it last June, and I did! :noway:
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503
    Ok folks, there are still a lot of you who haven't bragged about yourself! C'mon! Tell us what makes you rock!

    If you post it will make me :bigsmile: . If you don't I will :sad: . Don't be the person who makes me :sad: !!!


    Can't be making you :sad: now can we? Especially since you have such a nice:bigsmile:
    So, here goes - I believe God made each of us the way we are for a purpose, so I can't complain about the things I have no control over. There are however, some things I like better than others.:smile: My favorite physical feature would be my eyes. One summer when I worked at a Christian camp, a friend and her youth group attended. She told me that if a certain friend of hers ever saw my eyes in the sunlight he would fall in love with me. Must have been true because we've been married almost 14 years. :love: I strive to be the kind of person others can see Jesus through. When I was a child, I heard my mama tell someone that I was thoughtful, so I have always tried to live up to that. My greatest accomplishment, well, my 5 greatest accomplishments are my children.:heart: I spend time with them, homeschool, do lots of fun, creative things, read to them daily, and pray and tuck them in every night with a song, a kiss, and a hug so I think I'm a good mom.
    Thanks. When I think of all the areas of my life that need improvement, it was nice to consider the things I'm doing right.:happy:
  • kaiyacali
    kaiyacali Posts: 175
    I'm finally at the shape where I feel comfortable with being in my bikini! Not to toot my own horn, but I look f'in hot! Score! Veggies for me for lunch!


    Thanks to all who have supported me when the office orders bad food, and I was stuck with not so much fun food
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok well here goes. I'm proud that I've lost 17 pounds first of all, although I gained back a pound but that will be gone any day. :smile:

    I'm proud of myself because I try to be a honest person.

    I like the fact that I like to compliment people. It makes me feel good and I hope it makes the person I compliment feel good too.

    I try to be a good Christian and try to have good Christian morals and values (failed terribly in the past but God has forgiven me. He's still working on me). :happy:

    I've been a single mom to my daughter and my son. Other than my salvation they are the best things in the world that has happened to me. :heart:

    If I could go back and change anything I probably wouldn't because everything in my past has made me what I am today.

    I would say my best feature is my skin. I'm very pale and I like that about myself. I like the color of my eyes too. They're (blue/green) hazel.
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    Best physical feature? Probably my hair. I think it will even look nice when I go gray. (Pulled out my first one at 22 :sick:)

    Best non-physical feature? I am loyal to a fault, and I think I'm pretty funny. Well, I amuse myself, anyways.

    Proudest moment? Hmm...graduating college? Leaving that jerk-face? Losing 20 pounds? Isn't it nice that I can't decide?? :happy:

    I wouldn't change anything about my life. Every horrible thing has contributed to making me a totally rawkin' girl!

    Thanks for coming up with such a great post!!!:flowerforyou:
  • debbie_010
    debbie_010 Posts: 44 Member

    I am proud that I am an honest, dependable and fair person who doesn't judge others.

    I am also proud of myself for making the life changing decision of changing my eating habits and sticking to it. I have a great smile, (which I show more often now) nice hair and pretty eyes. I very proud of myself for losing 23 pounds last month and really happy that I was able to shove Coca-Cola out of my life.

    I am MOST proud to have raised 4 children who are happy and well adjusted, and they themselves are great parents to my grandchildren. I take pride in knowing that I (a single parent) was able to instill in them the values that has made them the people they are today.
  • arubabound
    ok...here goes....There is 1/2 of a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting sitting in the fridge...and everytime i open the door I see it....but haven't touched it....hopefully when the kids come home from school they'll finish it!!! :smile:
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    This is one I have to really think about.....
    I would say my eyes are my best physical feature. I have a very corny sense of humor (thanks Dad) and I make myself laugh even if no one else thinks I'm funny :wink:
    I have a love hate relationship with my belly. Its not a negative, just wait....
    I had my kids very very VERY young and let myself gain weight even after I had them. A trip to the doctor after months of problems lead to testing and a hysterectomy at 30. My GYNie said if I wouldn't have had my kids when I did, I wouldn't have been able to have kids at all. I know that doesn't sound like an accomplishment but... I had my son at 17 and daughter at 20. I have an education, I live in a house, have two vehicles and a good career. I'm still with the father of my children and we love each other very much. The way I see it is even though I had kids young, I was able to succeed and not all young relationships fail.
    So I love my belly because it grew because it housed my children that I was destined to have and solidified my relationship with my husband.
    Char :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    More please...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh, this is a good one!!!

    My smile, my laugh, my eyes, my hair, my "hot smokin body" (my husband says that, well, and others), my butt. I am a great dancer, any type of music but best at Latin music, my energy.

    I am a great mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Just a nice citizen!! Great positive, bubbly personality...

    So proud of all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to be part of this site!!!!!
  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    I am enjoying reading all of these posts, and am feeling a little like a voyeur, so I guess I should contribute...:smile: I feel like I'm writing a personal ad, and I'm not so sure the husband would approve, but here goes...I am intelligent and witty, kind and compassionate, I have an infectious laugh and I am probably the most determined individual that I know...I gave birth to and raised 3 boys (and I'm proud of each one of them for their individuality)...I love children, seniors and all creatures and am always up for an adventure...."and that's all I have to say about that"....:blushing:
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    I have a great booty!!!! and i bought a size 16 pair of jeans on friday and they fit!!! so im down 3 sizes thats something to brag about