How do you handle going out to eat at restaurants?



  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Sometimes I look up items online beforehand and plan accordingly, but most of the time I just eat half. Portion sizes at most restaurants are huge so I'm usually full on half.

    Generally speaking though, if you're not sure, go for a lean grilled meat and vegetables for sides.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Look up the menu and see if something is at a reasonable calorie level and sounds yummy. If nothing sounds good, I will choose something higher calorie and eat less if I am not too hungry, or eat it all and go for a long walk afterwards.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Look up the menu and see if something is at a reasonable calorie level and sounds yummy. If nothing sounds good, I will choose something higher calorie and eat less if I am not too hungry, or eat it all and go for a long walk afterwards.

    I'm like him^^^ Yes we are bad *kitten*!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I eat out at least once a week. More likely twice a week. Look up the menu ahead of time on Yelp or some other website. See how you can fit the order in your macros. I order what I want. I usually eat only half of my order. I take the rest home in a doggy bag. If I go over my calorie total, I'll run a bit longer that day.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I don't worry overmuch about it to tell the truth. I don't look up menues online, and I don't even try to log the meals as most have so many ingredients it would be too hard and not accurate anyway. If I know beforehand that I'm going out for dinner I will eat a lot less during the day to compensate. I do try and get the healthier meals though, and get salad dressing and sauces on the side. I mainly stick to grilled/poached fish and veggies or salad or a small steak and veggies/salad and avoid meals I know are high in calories like twice cooked pork belly or creamy pastas.

    My problem is the dessert menu and wine list, they're what get me in the end :cry:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,867 Member
    We eat out twice a week and maybe go to a dinner party once a week. My strategy is to do a big cardio workout beforehand to accomodate the extra calories.

    A lot of classic restaurant dishes are on MFP, though logging will be a bit of a guess. Just give it your best shot of guessing weights and ingredients. You eventually get used to tasting if a sauce contains a lot of added butter or oil, whereby you need to log extra fat to a meal.

    Enjoy your evening out. One night of inaccurate logging is not going to ruin your progress.
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    It's usually a good move to order double veggie, no potato/bread/pasta. Broth soups are a good way to start your meal, just avoid the cream of everything. Some folks think salads are automatically a calorie bargain, but this isn't the case. The dressings, cheese, etc often add up to more than 500 - 1000 calories. Then you feel like you did a good job so you end up eating bread, dessert, etc. Stick with lean meats (fish, chicken, etc) broiled, steamed etc.

    Planning ahead and keeping portions in mind is key.
  • I check out the restaurant's online menu or nutrition guide if they have one, and plan accordingly.

    If I can't do that, I just aim for foods that aren't deep fried.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I dine out frequently and have no problem losing weight. I do look at the menu ahead of time if possible to plan my meal and reduce the risk of impulsive bad choices.

    Very few of the restaurants where I go make calorie counts available online (I usually go to independently owned restaurants, or small local chains), so I estimate by the ingredients listed and what I suspect (e.g., oil, butter, etc.).

    I also usually cut the portion in half and take the rest home to eat the next day. This also affects what I choose to order because some things don't re-heat well. Some portions are so large I can make three or even four meals out of it (Maggiano's!).

    Just while you're eating, remember that your stomach comfortably holds approximately one cup of chewed food. Anything more than that is excess. And eat slowly so that you can feel full/satisfied before you feel stuffed.

    Losing weight isn't just about what you eat; how you eat is important as well. (Personally, I think how you eat is even more important than what you eat.)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i handle it by removing my license from my wallet and placing it in my back pocket.
    then when i leave the house, i make sure my wallet is still on my dresser.
    if i get carded i have my ID, but when it comes time for the check....*gasp* omg you guize...i forgot my wallet. gah...i'll get it next time.
    rinse. repeat.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I eat out and socialise a lot but it's usually in the local Wetherspoons because it's good value for money. They have all the calories listed next to each item so you know what you're eating and even have a designated 500cal section. I tend to order what I would have normally ordered but with changes, so instead of a Mexican beef burger, I save 150cal and get the whole chicken breast Mexican burger. I've never liked their chips so have always swapped for a salad and that is about 600cal mark.

    It's important to remember online that some calories aren't added.. Wetherspoons often has smaller print at the top of each section saying "served with chips (add 400cal)"- it doesn't apply to me but I'm sure must catch some people out.

    As a general rule of thumb I have about a 700cal max limit when I eat out but tend to up this for special occasions or certain restaurants. For example, for as long as I live (diet, lifestyle change, eat in moderation, up veg and up exercise, you name it!) I will never go to Pizza Express and not order a Calabrese. It's a requirement. Clocks up around 1,100cals but it's worth it and I savor every mouthful. Want Pizza Express now..... :(
  • I look up the menu beforehand. I try to get a salad entree, either without dressing or with balsamic.
    I also save up some calories if I know I'll be eating out.
  • leahxxoo
    leahxxoo Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have treats at home so when I go to a restaurant (two or three times a month) I just have something small earlier in the day and then don't worry about it.
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    I find soups (non-cream based) are lower calorie and more satisfying than salad or other "health options". I only drink water or unsweetened tea.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    we eat out quite often. I look up where we might eat online and give myself some choices that I might like. I have a handful of choices of restaurants I like to eat at. This way when I am asked where I want to eat, I say applebees, Tijuana flats, or whatever. I love how a lot places have the calories right on the menu now. Like ihop. its makes me in control of what I am eating without feeling deprived.
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    I'll do a good hour's run or a couple of hours bike riding. Then I'll eat what I like.