Hello all

My name is Melody and I am new to this site. My roommate wants to lose weight for her wedding and she said that it would help her if she had a friend doing it with her. I said I would do it because I am tired of being overweight and I don't like to diet and like this site because it allows me to eat what ever I want (like Weight Watcher) but the best thing is that it completely free. Being a college student, that helps a lot. I hope I can reach my goal (140lbs) by next summer (or close to it).



  • Beebee78
    Melody - welcome to MFP. What a beautiful avatar pic! I think it's fab you've decided to do this with your friend. You will find so much support here along the way xxx
  • mollykay09
    Welcome! This site is so great, all the support helps a ton! Good luck on your journey!