Interested in everyones adventure



  • k1inoregon
    I am still fairly new to myfitnesspal. 35 days in and down I'm actually down 6lbs. The first weight logged it was off by 40lbs so I ended up deleting it because it would not let me change it. I am motivated to here everyones adventure on here. It gets me thinking If they can do it the right way so can I. I have a past struggle with anorexia and I don't want to go back to it now that I have 2 beautiful girls that look up to me.

    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal?
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months?
    3. What worked for you?
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far?
    5. add anything else you would like to share.... I'd love to hear from you and add me if you would like to.

    1. I'm 35 days in
    2. My start so far has been rough with trying to figure what I can eat and can't eat and trying to stay within my daily nutrition goals. Its still a work in progress. I've been getting wonderful advice from other MFP users.
    3. Still learning what works for me.
    4. I have lost a total of 6lbs since Jan.
    5. starting weight: 228.8
    heaviest weight 301
    lightest weight: 152
    goal weight: 150-160
    current weight: 223.2
    delivered my oldest daughter 8-12-11 at 227
    delivered my youngest daughter 4-3-13 at 237
    I'm 5'6"
    I thought hanging up my smaller clothes around my house would motivate me to lose weight but it does not work because I'm hardly home as it is, but.... Seeing ya'll be so successful has motivated me beyond belief and I can take you all anywhere with me via my phone App.

    1. Started using myfitnesspal about three or four weeks ago but I started my weight loss journey slightly over a year ago (Feb. 18, 2013)
    2. The first few weeks of my overall weight loss journey were a rollercoaster... trying to figure out what and how and dealing with some necessary diet changes... it was a rollercoaster...but I survived it! :-)
    3. I used Weight Watchers for the first year. Then, when I felt like I plateaued with their system, I switched to myfitnesspal which seems to have gotten me out of the plateau.
    4. Since starting my whole journey, I've lost 83-84 pounds... with just about 7-10 to go (I think...).
    5. Looking at the process as a lifestyle change and a journey really helped me. It hasn't been about dieting or trying to just get to goal and call it good... it's been about revamping what I eat, when I eat, etc. I couldn't be happier!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I started using MFP on Feb 1st.
    2. My first month has been pretty easy, once I got my hunger pangs under control. I needed to find out what/when/how much to eat to control the hunger. It subsided after a week.
    3. Firstly, shopping every week for fresh foods, and cooking most of my meals, preparing salads, chopping fruits and veggies and making single serving snacks helped a LOT. When I open my fridge I don't have to cook anything, cut anything up, it's all right there to grab. That makes it really hard to eat badly. Secondly, I increased my protein intake a lot. I used to eat a LOT of carbs and very little protein, making me crave and binge. Now my protein intake is up, driving my carb intake down and I can stay fuller longer, without feeling hungry all the time. Thirdly, I eat several small meals throughout the day, so my blood sugar levels stay constant. No spikes, no cravings and binges.
    4. I've lost 7 lbs so far. Last year I was at my heaviest of 251 lbs, and lost 19 lbs with diet and exercise on my own.
    I'm currently 225.4 lbs, and have a goal of 170 in mind. When I reach that, I will reassess to see if I can/should lose more.
    5. The people on here are what keep me logging in day after day. Without this community and friends here, I think if I have a bad day, I would just stop logging, and fall into my old habits. Now, I have a bad day, I log it, post a comment and get some positive reinforcement and encouragement. That is what helps me keep going right now.

    Im sending a friend request.

    Awesome.. Yes having yall here for encouragement and support has helped a lot and also kept me logging in day after day. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been using MFP for seven weeks and as of today I've lost 10 pounds. I actually find it easy because I like the math of it. Eat this many calories, burn this many calories, lose this much weight! Something that has worked for me is having one day a week that "can be" a cheat day. I don't necessarily plan ahead for this (unless I have a special occasion) but maybe I eat a normal breakfast and lunch and then decide to eat whatever I want for dinner and snacks. I don't even try to record those entries. I don't do this more than once a week but I do it because it makes this experience feel more like a life long eating plan than a "diet." I also try to exceed my exercise goals but that's easy because I set very modest goals. All in all, I really like having this site available to me because it feels like I have a partner in my weight loss. No people in my life (husband, friends, etc.) need to hear me go on and on about what I've eaten every day!). My biggest challenge will be once I get to the maintenance stage. Losing is easier for me than maintaining! Good luck to you!

    Once you get to the maintenance I believe by then itll be easy for you because you'll be used to your lifestyle change. Keep up the good work and good luck to you as well. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member

    5. add anything else you would like to share...

    <> One of my biggest surprises/challenges has been the constant purchase of new clothes. It has messed with my mind and budget a bit, but overall it's a good problem to have!

    I quickly learned to buy at thrift stores. At least until I reach a weight that I'm going to stay at a while. I spent about a hundred dollars on new belts, and two month later I was buying a leather punch. Now I look for a style that will be useful no matter how much I lose.

    I buy at thrift stores as well :).. I also sell my bigger clothes to cosignment shops so that I'm not wasting more money as I shrink. I made it into a revolving door if you know what I mean. Maybe you have one near you that you can sell your bigger clothes to. :)

    Oh yeah! Great ideas you guys. I have done all of the above. When I had tons and tons of nice plus sized business clothes I had this HUGE garage sale and advertised it on plus size clothing swap sites (Craigslist and Facebook) in my area and I did really well. After that, I would list small "lots" on Craigslist and sell to individuals. I've been a thrift fiend since FOREVER and actually the weird thing is, now that I am out of plus sizing for the most part - I am not finding as much great stuff in thrift shops as I once did, so I buy most of my clothes from Target and department store clearance racks. I do still find stuff in thrift shops occasionally though! Unfortunately in my area the consignment stores are only juniors-oriented and want things that are a very specific small range of brands that I don't typically wear or buy (Hollister, AE, Abercrombie, etc) But that is still a great idea!

    Do you have stores like Bells and Goodies where you are at? I also go there and buy mine and my kids clothes there at 50% and 75% off all the time. Once in a blue moon I'll find a 90% off. I just bought my boyfriend $50 shorts for only $1.60 at Bells. I stay away from Goodwill where I am because their rates are ridiculous. Haven House is my fave because I can buy a nice pair of pants and a nice shirt for $4.24 out the door max. :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I've used the site for over a year. It isn't hard at all. I use it to keep track of total calories and exercise, don't give a rip about stuff like TDEE, BMI, heart rate, any of that. I need to be fit enough to do farm labor ( which I am) and I've lost 22 lbs. while eating anything I want to as long as it fits my daily 1700 calorie goal. I don't give up anything; still eat fried chicken, pizza, chocolate ( that is an every-day must, chocolate). I want to lose about 10 lbs. more, when I get around to it.
  • fitandworking
    fitandworking Posts: 18 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP!

    1. I started on MFP in October 2013, even though I had already lost about 50 pounds before that point.
    2. With weight loss in general, the first few months I started from being my at my heaviest were very tough. I was dealing with the emotional eating and food addiction more than diet/exercise, so it was more mentally exhausting at first. I started MFP when I was finally ready to make the commitment to really focusing on my diet and exercise. Some days are better than others but I think MFP is helping me stay accountable.
    3. Understanding that regardless of whether I'm a size 4 or 24, I will always worry about my weight and I will always have an issue with food. I may as well have those issues being thin rather than fat lol.
    4. 37 pounds down since starting MFP, 86 pounds total.
    5. starting weight: 245 on MFP
    heaviest weight 294
    lightest weight: 183
    goal weight: 140 to 150 ish
    current weight: 208

    I'm 5'7" and 24. Hope to be under 183, which was my lightest weight by my 25th b-day at the end of June.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been on MFP since June 2011 and have been logging daily. Here is my story

    Love your story and your perspective.

    Wishing you the best on your fitness journey.


    That's amazing. I'm just now starting to add working out to my lifestyle change. My goal with that is to be able to walk/jog my girls to the park, let them play, have a picnic, and walk back. It's a 4 mile walk/jog 1 way.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. 2 years'ish
    2. my first few weeks were pretty easy, i was focused and knew what i wanted.
    3. I lift every day and focus on my diet.
    4. 95'ish pounds or so.
    5. i think lifting is more important than cardio, but diet is 80% of the solution.

    WOW!!! I looked at your pics and that is an incredible change you made. keep it up. :) I am purely amazed at your accomplishment.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I started using mfp in March 2012 and lost 15 pounds between September 2012 and May 2013. That may not sound like a lot, but I had been wanting to lose 10 pounds for such a long time previously. I didn't exercise very consistently, just relied on a calorie deficit. I've kept it off for over a year now. In the last two years I've had shoulder issues and surgery which took a significant amount of recovery time. Tracking is the key for me:)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I've used the site for over a year. It isn't hard at all. I use it to keep track of total calories and exercise, don't give a rip about stuff like TDEE, BMI, heart rate, any of that. I need to be fit enough to do farm labor ( which I am) and I've lost 22 lbs. while eating anything I want to as long as it fits my daily 1700 calorie goal. I don't give up anything; still eat fried chicken, pizza, chocolate ( that is an every-day must, chocolate). I want to lose about 10 lbs. more, when I get around to it.

    I love love love pizza and can't give it up... So far since I started my journey I have had a few nights where I had pizza and I still lost weight.. I just pre-planned it so I watch what i eat earlier in the day and if i eat 1 extra slice i exercise off the extra calories. :) I absolutely love DARK chocolate and I'll eat it if I have it but that is a rare thing in my house because my dad will steal it if he visits and sees it lol. I just don't pig out on it no more. One serving is enough to get my craving satisfied. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP!

    1. I started on MFP in October 2013, even though I had already lost about 50 pounds before that point.
    2. With weight loss in general, the first few months I started from being my at my heaviest were very tough. I was dealing with the emotional eating and food addiction more than diet/exercise, so it was more mentally exhausting at first. I started MFP when I was finally ready to make the commitment to really focusing on my diet and exercise. Some days are better than others but I think MFP is helping me stay accountable.
    3. Understanding that regardless of whether I'm a size 4 or 24, I will always worry about my weight and I will always have an issue with food. I may as well have those issues being thin rather than fat lol.
    4. 37 pounds down since starting MFP, 86 pounds total.
    5. starting weight: 245 on MFP
    heaviest weight 294
    lightest weight: 183
    goal weight: 140 to 150 ish
    current weight: 208

    I'm 5'7" and 24. Hope to be under 183, which was my lightest weight by my 25th b-day at the end of June.

    congrats on the weight loss and good luck on your goal.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I started using mfp in March 2012 and lost 15 pounds between September 2012 and May 2013. That may not sound like a lot, but I had been wanting to lose 10 pounds for such a long time previously. I didn't exercise very consistently, just relied on a calorie deficit. I've kept it off for over a year now. In the last two years I've had shoulder issues and surgery which took a significant amount of recovery time. Tracking is the key for me:)

    That is amazing that you kept the weight off for so long now. Congrats. I hope your all healed from your surgery :)