Cancel my gym membership?

Hey guys,

I have been a member of a gym since July. It has really helped boost my mood and get me back into exercising. However, the parts I love about it are that the people are extremely supportive, the group classes that are geared towards people like me trying to lose weight, and the bigger group classes like spin, zumba, etc. I feel that the trainers that teach the group classes that I often go to actually care about you and your success. I have been battling this decision for a few months now to cancel my membership. it is $64 a month and pretty pricey considering my fiancé and I are living pay check to pay check and trying to get rid of some out our debt. I'm in such debate because of the quality of the gym and that I actually exercise when I go. However, motivation has been really low and the only think that keeps me going 3x per week is that I am in a 12 week program that requires you to attend 3 classes each week. I am also not seeing any success with my weight loss because of my eating habits. I am scared though to cancel and try to exercise at home because I feel like I will just end up quitting. :( I'm so torn on what to do. I know exercising is a huge part in my weight loss journey because paired with me eating the right stuff I can really be successful. On another note with pricing, I am also going to see a therapist about my binge eating and will soon have to pay for that. I only get six sessions free, and we are coming close to an end with free sessions. I'm ultimately going to have to choose what to keep and what to get rid of. Opinions?! Sorry if this sounds so scatter brained!


  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I think this is something that only you can answer. I don't think anyone will tell you that you should go into debt or pay for something you can't afford to belong to a gym. Sure you can work out at home and there are many free online workouts you can follow. Technically you just need to eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight. I personally work out for the health benefits and the sanity it provides me. Good luck, I'm sure it's a tough decision.

  • I would not cancel unless you stop going all together. But I would NOT stop going. You can do it!!!
    the biggest think that helped me was getting friends around me that would hold me accountable with my food habits.
    I to have a tendency to binge on food. but with friends that are checking up on me and at time brutally honest I have been able to control it.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Hi Striving,
    You didn't say if your gym charged you an initiation fee at the start. If they did, you might want to try forming the at-home exercise habit now, before you drop the membership. Whether gym or home, it's all about forming a habit. You may rather do activities like bicycling around the neighborhood or playing Ping-Pong at a (free) community center, instead of what we usually call a work-out; some of my friends have had success with those ways.
    By the way I can relate to your budget considerations. You aren't alone!
  • alwayspraying1
    alwayspraying1 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand about trying to figure out where to cut costs. Only you can make the decision in regards to the gym membership. If you do decide to try working out at home, we could help each other stay accountable. I do most of my workouts at home so I have some suggestions if you are interested. I will help you in any way I can.
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    I have DVDs at home for various exercises if you have the space and won't be bothering anyone or they bother you. Also, if not, or not going means quitting, then don't quit. Exercise is about health too, not just losing weight. That is my opinion.