The truth about HCG as told by Dr. Pete Grott



  • Beebee78
    When you come to the logical conclusion that the only way doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money is if you're sick. And that fat, unhealthy people tend to get sick more often than thin, healthy people, it makes perfect sense that doctors denounce the HCG diet. Because it actually works and they can't make any money from it!

    I personally compare them to Jiffy Lube Mechanics, always trying to scare you into purchasing more useless crap from them.

    Everything this lying quack said was either a scare tactic or categorically false. And of course he has no facts to back up his false opinions. I'm a 275lb man. I've eaten 500 calories/day for 7 days in a row and haven't been hungry once. I'm not starving; the HCG is releasing fat and my body is burning it as energy. Pretty straight-forward! Why do I have to eat a lot when I'm burning 3500-4000 calories/day of pure fat? I wish the quack doctor would explain that. Your body doesn't care where the calories come from, as long as they're available.

    It still amazes me how people still call it a quick fix when in actuality it is a lifelong plan of weight loss and weight maintenance. It'd be nice if you would at least learn what exactly it is before you denounce it.

    Be scared if you want; believe these quacks who want you to be fat & sick so you'll come visit them more often and help them buy more BMWs. I for one have decided to take my health into my own hands, and the HCG diet is working fantastic for me.

    You might not feel hungry but that doesn't mean that medically your body isn't starving. And a starving body doesn't metabolise fat, it takes from where the energy is stored - muscle.

    Honestly I can sit here and type this because I have been where you are - I honestly had to exhaust every diet opportunity to try and get my weight down for fertility treatment. Always kidding myself that fat people shouldn't exercise blah blah blah.

    The HCG diet may be working for you right now because yes you are losing weight, but you're not getting fitter, you're not losing fat and once you stop the HCG your body will revert to it's old pattern and you will end up in the cycle of yo yo dieting.

    You say this dr is a lying quack who wants to make money but honestly what do you think these diet companies are doing? They're not exactly giving you these things for free are they. Most of these low cal diets require you to actually stay on the packs pretty much for life if you wish to maintain your weight ( cleverly written in to their small print).

    I come from the UK where dr's actually take obesity very seriously and are quick to try and help patients lose weight. I used to hate that they suggested exercise and looking at what I eat but I am now about to start the 4th week of eating right and exercising 6 days a week after years of spending anything up to £60 a week on these silly pills and potions, and I can honestly say I have never felt better.

    Honestly from someone who has been there and learnt too late how to do this for good I just wish people would listen to what others are saying - we're not 'bashing' a fad, we're giving you sound advice and long term solutions to weight issues. Not because we sit here all skinny and high and mighty, but because we too are struggling but know from experience what works.

    Nicole - fantastic reply xxx
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I appreciate you posting this. Regardless of the few HCG fanatics on here, I think others need to hear the truth. Everytime someone posts something about this, it turns into WWIII. Great that its a well-respected individual speaking about it too.

    The funny thing is, the words spoken by this doctor are NOT the truth.

    Any doctor that goes along with convential thinking and will not think out of the box for alternative treatments is not a good doctor in my eyes............

    Another funny thing is my body is working like it supposed to, like getting a monthly cycle..........

    I am losing fat, not losing any muscle and I have energy now I didn't have for years before hand. I am also eating very clean.
  • skinnytayy
    I appreciate you posting this. Regardless of the few HCG fanatics on here, I think others need to hear the truth. Everytime someone posts something about this, it turns into WWIII. Great that its a well-respected individual speaking about it too.

    The funny thing is, the words spoken by this doctor are NOT the truth.

    Any doctor that goes along with convential thinking and will not think out of the box for alternative treatments is not a good doctor in my eyes............

    Another funny thing is my body is working like it supposed to, like getting a monthly cycle..........

    I am losing fat, not losing any muscle and I have energy now I didn't have for years before hand. I am also eating very clean.

    Think what you want. To each his own. I'm allowed to have my own opinion. Every doctor I've talked to about weight issues has told me to do exactly what I'm doing now and slow and steady is best or you can cause a boatload of problems. Like a man that had weight loss surgery, lost a TON of weight fast, ended up having a heart attack 2 months later. It put stress on his heart and I'd rather not do that. Also, I don't think a good doctor is one that makes you a guinea pig for the latest diet. I think a good doctor is someone who will give their honest opinion on what is the most successful AND healthy way to lose weight which will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be the "old fashioned" way. I'm perfectly happy with my success and I KNOW that I can live this way forever. I couldn't live forever taking pills and shots.
  • Beebee78
    I appreciate you posting this. Regardless of the few HCG fanatics on here, I think others need to hear the truth. Everytime someone posts something about this, it turns into WWIII. Great that its a well-respected individual speaking about it too.

    The funny thing is, the words spoken by this doctor are NOT the truth.

    Any doctor that goes along with convential thinking and will not think out of the box for alternative treatments is not a good doctor in my eyes............

    Another funny thing is my body is working like it supposed to, like getting a monthly cycle..........

    I am losing fat, not losing any muscle and I have energy now I didn't have for years before hand. I am also eating very clean.

    I guess the fact that the AMA and FDA attribute weightloss on the HCG diet to the low calorie intake rather than the taking of the HCG hormone doesn't go anyway to showing that there is doubt as to this diet's effectiveness? The facts show that the use of HCG is based on theory alone. I guess that speaks for itself.

    When I think about it all low cal diets allow you to lose the weight without having to take the HCG. The dr's point about depression is entirely true and has been proven by many of these low cal diets - to the point where in this country if you have suffered from depression, a dr is likely to not let you go ahead with it as the risk of developing depression again will be too high.

    As for the monthly cycle, any rapid weightloss will affect this and change length of cycle etc. It doesn't necessarily mean that normal hormonal function has returned as it is entirely possible to have annovulatory cycles and still menstruate.
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Hey my two cents and my opinion as well... it's already been given once I'll give it again

    In my opinion if you haven't fully read and researched this diet then your opinion means zero. Why would anyone want to jump on a bandwagon and not truly know what they are bashing? Please if you want to make a statement based on one Dr's opinion than at least be willing to read the other Dr's know the one who actually researched. Read it go ahead I dare you :laugh:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Absolutely. I DO wish people would research it before they use it.
    Here are the results of actual scientifically controlled studies which were conducted in 1976, 1987, 1990, and 1995. Do we really have to perform the study again every time the HCG marketing engine revs up for another round of money making? In 1976, Researchers Stein, Julis, Peck , Hinshaw, Sawicki, and Deller concluded: "There was no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups in number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injections, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction." A review of 20 available studies published in the German Medical Journal "Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde" concluded "These studies showed a significant weight reduction during dieting, but no differences between treatment groups in respect of body weight, body proportions and feeling of hunger," and "...the opinion of the German steroid toxicology panel is still valid, that HCG is ineffective in dieting and should not be used." A review of the data by Lijesen, Theeuwen, Assendelft, and Van Der Wal published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology said plainly "We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being." There are more, but I'll save you the time, the conclusions are the same.

    The FDA isn't just being 'difficult' by refusing to approve HCG, it simply doesn't work the way it's advertised to.
  • skinnytayy
    Hey my two cents and my opinion as well... it's already been given once I'll give it again

    In my opinion if you haven't fully read and researched this diet then your opinion means zero. Why would anyone want to jump on a bandwagon and not truly know what they are bashing? Please if you want to make a statement based on one Dr's opinion than at least be willing to read the other Dr's know the one who actually researched. Read it go ahead I dare you :laugh:

    Actually I've read that ... 2 times. Just read it again today to refresh my memory. It's not so much the diet itself that I don't agree with its losing the weight so fast that I don't agree with. I don't agree with losing a few pounds daily because there are plenty of people out in this world who suffered tremendously from losing weight too fast. It stresses the heart and can cause things like heart attacks. You are supposedly to slowly adjust your body to change, not shock it by losing 10lbs per week. Also, I just don't see how most people would be able to keep the weight off afterwards. The faster you lose weight, the more likely it will come back with a vengeance. However, I'm smart enough to know that some people will be successful with HCG and to those who have done it and maintained for over a year, then congratulations! Major accomplishment!! BUT not everyone is cut out to do a diet like that (binge eaters,etc) and then there are some people who'd rather not use pills/shots just because its an UNBELIEVABLE sense of pride and accomplishment felt when you've lost weight all by yourself (that's me). The ONLY other thing I have against HCG is the fact that no current studies have been done on it. If the last clinical trial was done in 1995, then its possible that we know something now that we didn't know then and I'd just rather not risk my life over it although every day I've spent overweight I've risked my life. So to each his own. I'll personally NEVER spend the money or risk on HCG because it wouldn't give me the sense of pride that I get now, I don't want to risk my life by shocking my body, and I don't see the point in wasting money on something you can do yourself even though sometimes your body is stubborn.

    Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Whether you choose atkins, south beach, slimfast, HCG protocols, or the old-fashioned way think about possible side effects and MOST IMPORTANTLY ask yourself this: Can I live this way forever?

    And before I leave, congratulations to EVERYONE (HCGers included) for your weight loss successes! That's what we are here for - to support each other and receive support :flowerforyou:
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Great discussion on both sides. I knew this post will bring out the bashers as well of "we" who have read other opinions by professional doctors. Along with our research and common sense we refuse to draw into the conclusing that this is good. If the FDA and College of Sports Mediciine approved of this then that is something I would take a second look at. Why would anyone be so set on something that is proposed by those trying to take your money when it has not been approved or supported by the governing world bodies that counts in the medical world.

    Look past those articles that support it and those doctors filling your head with quick solutions. Look past your desperation and quick short time results. Open your mind and ask yourself; hummmm, after 40 years in existence why hasn't the Food and Drug Administration approved this product. Why does the American College of Sports Medicine reject this product as a "Diet Fad" instead of supporting it and recommending it to those who are having trouble losing weight.

    Yes, i opened my mind and researched it. I see those who rave on it and there are many articles that do. Why wouldn't a doctor rave that he did such and such study and this is excellent for those who are trying to lose weight fast and failed over the years.


    I am not trying to harsh but I am being bluntly serious about calling this a success story and those who keep lauding over it. You can continue using it and that is your choice but until you realize the truth behind a life style change you will eventually set yourself up for failure. Never in my life would I want some drug or surgery to be the key to my success. I will learn nothing through that. Now, to contradict myself, there are some of the hCG users who will succeed because a percentage of all "Dieters" will succeed (although that number is low) because eventually some of you will learn the true meaning of proper nutrition and exercise and after you have weened yourself from this dangerous cycle you will be a part of us on the other side of the spectacle who will continue rejecting this not just because it is a dirty word (diet) but because it relies on unsupported ideas/products.

    I am here to support those who want to make a change for life and stay fit. I also support anyone who gain success but I wil never support this until I see the FDA or ACSM change their views and even then it will be difficult.
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