Doubling up when missing work outs?

So if I miss a day of working out can I just do 2 work outs the next day? I am trying to do 6 a week but not sure if it still counts if I do more than one a day or if I should make sure and do 6 days.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    In general not a good idea, unless these are different work outs and not too hard ones. Getting injured is a very real risk if you overdo it. Now, if you can mix different routines up, this can work, but listen to your body and do not exhaust yourself.
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    So if I miss a day of working out can I just do 2 work outs the next day? I am trying to do 6 a week but not sure if it still counts if I do more than one a day or if I should make sure and do 6 days.

    If we're just talking a couple cardio workouts, I say sure, why not. However, if we're talking about doing an intense upper body weightlifting routine and then an equally intense lower body routine in the same day, I would say not unless you are an elite athlete.

    Ditto. Depends on intensity. I couldn't do two in a row of a normal workout, but yes, if it were just cardio or lighter/easier weights, then go with how you feel. You'll be fine skipping one, though!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Depends on the workout AND your aims.
    Burning calories - sure.
    As above, maybe not for weights.
    It may be better if you're training different body parts, but will still be pushing your recovery, still.