It's NEVER too late to start again..

Good morning folks,

My name is Nico and I am embarking on the journey of a healthier lifestyle. I'll be the first to admit that i lose motivation very quickly. I really would like to get it cracking again. I would like to link up with anyone on MFP who is on the same mission or on the mission to maintain their great lifestyle. We can help motivate eachother and just keep eachother on track. There is no reason why anyone should tackle their goals alone. With the way social media is we can friends all over the world, we can impact eachothers loves no matter where we live, or what we are doing. So feel free to add me, and lets crush our current goals, so we can set new ones. Hope to meet some interesting people.


Im 6'0"
34 years old
Current Weight: 261
Goal Weight: 210