Feeling so defeated today. How do you stay motivated?



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I haven't been able to get back into my exercise routine and it is becoming super Frustrating! (I have good excuses - my parents have health problems and cancer, keep going in and out of hospitals)

    Anyway...... I try and focus on the positive. Everytime I make a healthy food choice and look over and see my co-worker eating fast food (and I'm eating salad). Or my clothes are still bagging, means I haven't gained for them to start fitting again! lol

  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    Hang in there! Focus on today (or even the next hour if the day seems to long) and your goal to do well for that period of time. Stop thinking about the x number of pounds you want to lose or the body you want to have and just focus on getting through this day as best you can. Breathe, focus on all the positives, try to let the scale move to the back burner for now, and know that your defeated feelings are just feelings and they will pass. I had to talk to myself over the weekend like I talk to my children - yes, you have feelings, but do you have to let them control your behavior? No. So just keep swimmin'!
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    I know the feeling, last week I only lost .4 and I've been consistently losing more up until now, so it can be a bit upsetting, I didn't lose any on my weigh in this week, the scale's actually gone up but I'm quite certain it's water retention. Try to remember .4 is still a loss, and you're getting closer to your goal. I don't always feel motivated per say, but I know I need to do this. A good thing to remember on the days you're feeling down that whether you continue to eat well and try to make changes or not, the time will pass anyways. If you give up, and want to start again later, think of all the time that you could have then been working on this. This of the time you've already put into it. It's not worth it to give up, and hopefully after some time of being committed it won't be a struggle anymore, just habit to eat better, get more exercise etc.