What do you do to keep motivated?

What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

I want to lose weight more than anything in this world, but I am an emotional eater and find myself losing control on a regular basis. I will be great for a few days, something will happen that makes me upset/angry etc and it's like this little switch flicks on in my head and I find myself eating foods I don't want to eat. It is like I am on auto pilot. After this moment of weakness I feel guilty and disgusting and then I start the whole process from the beginning again.

So what things keep you motivated? I have stuck photos of myself from my happier and skinnier days on the fridge etc, I'm making sure the fridge is constantly stocked with healthy foods and snacks, I've bought some nice clothes a few sizes smaller and hung them up where I can see them... this all seems to be helping but I'm looking for more tips!


  • TommyJensen1987
    Forget motivation, work on your core issues and fix them. MIne was eating too much crap, yours is more emotional. You need to work on that.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 443 Member
    I read workout books and magazines, search for healthy recipes to keep meals interesting. Just seeing the changes in my body and the weight numbers and measurements is great. Also, I do strength training and feeling stronger and more toned keeps me going (and I am in my fifties). I have been on this journey since I was in my twenties. Making the decision to not look at this as a diet but a lifestyle made the most difference for me. Best of luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • ammeg1234
    ammeg1234 Posts: 37 Member
    Forget motivation, work on your core issues and fix them. MIne was eating too much crap, yours is more emotional. You need to work on that.

    You are completely right. I have an appointment with my GP this Friday to discuss some things. I'm still going to try motivating myself with the techniques mentioned though, but I have been hoping that this appointment might hold some answers to what is really stopping me from getting where I want.

    Thanks for being so frank, its what I need.
  • ammeg1234
    ammeg1234 Posts: 37 Member
    I read workout books and magazines, search for healthy recipes to keep meals interesting. Just seeing the changes in my body and the weight numbers and measurements is great. Also, I do strength training and feeling stronger and more toned keeps me going (and I am in my fifties). I have been on this journey since I was in my twenties. Making the decision to not look at this as a diet but a lifestyle made the most difference for me. Best of luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:

    I was actually thinking of getting some magazines! I read a lot of fitness blogs but sometimes I think it can be nice to get off the computer and step back into real life again.

    Thank you so much for your words, good luck on your journey also!
  • Whambam087
    My health and well being is very important to me. When I make healthy food choices and fit in regular exercise I feel wonderful. When I fill up on junk food I feel like utter crap. I want to avoid feeling that way as much as possible so I can't help but stick with the lifestyle that makes me feel great.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I too am an emotional eater. It sucks but I'm learning new ways to replace the food with exercise. I ALWAYS feel better after working out than I would after a good old binge on chocolate and chips.

    I've learned to ask myself before emotionally eating something if its worth how bad I'm going to feel when stepping on the scale.

    Struggling this week actually as my husband is traveling and I'm home alone with my stepdaughter and work is crazy.
  • VegKellyRN
    VegKellyRN Posts: 23 Member
    I take tons of pictures along the way and refer back to them when I'm feeling my motivation slip. I print them and post them in my home... I put new pics next to old ones. If you don't have any pictures, write down exactly why you want to lose the weight. Write down every single reason... put it somewhere safe and read it once in a while. Add to it when you think of new reasons. :)
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Definitely deal with the emotional eating -- it can be overcome! But that being said:


    There's something to be said for that! The small choices we make on an hourly basis add up to the BIG changes that don't motivate us, but rather change who we are and we live reflecting what our values reflect. Look on Pinterest - and I have an app I LOVE called FitQuote :)
  • kaylatee0
    kaylatee0 Posts: 65 Member
    I too was always trying to understand how to keep myself motivated. What worked for me? I stopped looking for motivation.

    I've built a workout and eating routine into my lifestyle that is as habitual as brushing my teeth or having a shower.

    Would I run out the door without brushing my teeth? Ew No, but it's happened.
    Would I go to work without having a shower? Of course not.. but I've slept in before and had to make the sacrifice.

    After I forgot to brush my teeth, or missed my shower.. did I spend the rest of the day moping around, questioning whether or not a life of showering and clean teeth is the life for me? Am I just a failure? Will I ever brush my teeth again? Should I just give up now?

    Of course not, because they're just things that i do! I had to shift this style of thinking into my eating and fitness habits. If I want a life of clean hair and fresh smelling breath then I have to continue to brush my teeth and wash my hair.

    If I want to be lean, strong and a fast runner then I need to go to the gym eat right.. that's just how it works.

    Do I wake up some mornings and decide I'm too tired for the gym? Yes, last Tuesday.
    Do I spend all day eating right, just to come home from work and eat 2 pieces of leftover cake and half a bag of chips chased by a litre of pepsi? Yup, did that on Friday!

    The important part is, I get back on track and keep on the journey.. I don't have a final goal weight or final destination anymore, the same way I didn't have one when my lifestyle was that of Chessies and napping. I just have a new lifestyle now, the results will happen when they happen. I've gone from catching myself in mirror and thinking "OMG my belly, this has to go within the next month.. no more carbs, extra elliptical!" to now saying "OMG my belly, it will go away as long as I keep doing what I'm doing"

    This is how my train of thought has changed since I started my journey in September 2013, just recently the phrase "it's a journey not a destination" has really sunk in, and I've realized that is now my mantra. We all handle things differently, this is what has finally worked for me.
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

    I read the success stories on this site. That actually helps me to stay motivated.
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    I find focusing on other ways to deal with stress than eating is helpful and keeping myself busy, not always thinking about diet and fitness.

    If you want motivation, realise that every day you spend out of shape and overweight is a waste of potential, you've got a limited no. of years on this planet and you won't ever get them back. instead of posting pictures of skinny and healthy you, post pictures of overweight you, it will make you realise your situation and push you to get out of it.
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    For me the motivating moment was realising I was at my worst in my physical prime (22) and I won't get that time back. After that though I now use routine and habits to be consistent rather than motivation. I just get up and do it, because it's routine and I'm used to it.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    The core way to stay motivated is to get in touch and stay in touch with your "Why". Why do you want to do this? Why did you join this site? Why did you want to change your life? Remember that reason why and hold on to it. Always remember your why, and all things in relation to, such as motivation and support from others and encouragement from others success will help fuel you and push you even further.

    Second, fall in love with you today. I know you may feel like you were at your best when you were "skinnier" but regardless of skinny or heavier, you are still fly. Tap into your confidence, love you for who you are where you are, and work from there. Disliking where you are today can lead to making rash decisions on health because you'd be in too much of a hurry to get out of this place of misery. You never want to see yourself or your life in that light. I'm going to leave you with this message from the secret's daily updates:

    "If you feel bad about your body, that is a powerful feeling, and you will continue to attract feeling bad about your body. You will never change your body if you are critical of it and find fault with it, and in fact you will attract more weight to you. Praise and bless every square inch of your body. Think about all of the perfect things about you. As you think perfect thoughts, as you feel good about you, you are on the frequency of your perfect weight, and you are summoning perfection."
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    What do you do to keep yourself motivated?

    I read the success stories on this site. That actually helps me to stay motivated.

    me too
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I realize that motivation is a code word for "I want to do this."

    Then I realize that I don't have to *want* to restrict calories or do another bicep curl -- I just have to do it anyway.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I am really very lucky. My favorite trainer at the gym went on his own and a bunch of us signed with him. I used to look forward to his classes a few times a week, now I get to go every single day and sometimes twice a day. I’m so excited that I hardly sleep at night, even years later. I also like the people I exercise with ..and I have crazy cute clothes to wear to class.

    My family is Ok with healthy food to a certain extent and I can make healthy versions of other favorites.

    Of course, I subscribe to and read all kinds of fitness magazines and follow like-minded individuals on Twitter. It's really all around me. I think that's the best way - to jump in and not get out!
  • ammeg1234
    ammeg1234 Posts: 37 Member
    THANK YOU ALL for your great words!! I think it appears this website could be the one thing I needed to keep me motivated..! I am looking forward to waking up tomorrow and having a great day and remembering why I not only want but NEED to lose weight. Thank you!! I hope you wont mind if I add you :)
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    My biggest turning point was reading something that said "If you WORKED on your body as much as you obsessed over it, you'd have reached your goal by now"
    I added friends on here and started logging EVERYTHING, even my slip-ups, no excuses. It became way easier to manage my calorie intake and macros, and now it's kind of an addiction! I've still got a ways to go, but at least I'm on track now. You've got to do it for you and no one else! Feel free to add me, I'm on here a lot trolling message boards :) haha
  • ammeg1234
    ammeg1234 Posts: 37 Member
    My biggest turning point was reading something that said "If you WORKED on your body as much as you obsessed over it, you'd have reached your goal by now"
    I added friends on here and started logging EVERYTHING, even my slip-ups, no excuses. It became way easier to manage my calorie intake and macros, and now it's kind of an addiction! I've still got a ways to go, but at least I'm on track now. You've got to do it for you and no one else! Feel free to add me, I'm on here a lot trolling message boards :) haha

    That quote applies to me completely. I think about how much I hate the way I look ALL the time.. now is the time to start doing something about! Will add you now, thanks! :)
  • Impeterator
    Impeterator Posts: 5 Member
    I motivate myself by the tought,that i will be comfortable without wearing clothes.I already lost about 20 kg( I have no idea how many pounds) and , eventhough my sixpack still has to wait another 15kg i feel so much more comfortable.

    Especially when doing sports I gained ALOT of self confidence, just by being not exhausted all the time.