salt and water intake

I noticed I get around 1.5 mg and I have been having a gallon of water a day. I do alot of exercise, do i need to increase my salt intake to replenish electrolytes?


  • jaz141
    jaz141 Posts: 32
    Is your sweat very salty? Notice salt covering you when you finish a workout? If that's the case, you may need to replenish. If you're working out intensively, you may want to replenish all of your electrolytes, not just sodium. I like Trace Minerals Research brand Power Pak electrolytes. I definitely notice I feel better after an intense workout when I drink one of those during./after.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    when you get cramps while exercising thats a sign of low electrolytes.... if you are consuming 1500 mg sodium you should be sweet.... ;P