


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Take it slow, and know that Crossfit makes you better at Crossfit, and elliptical makes you better at the elliptical. Only running will make you a better runner.
    This. This is exactly why I know that I have to buckle down and just keep at it if I want to do it.

    How often should I run? Every other day like the program suggests?

    I would shoot for 3x weekdays and one longer weekend run. Add small distance increments to each run every 2-3 weeks.
  • 140point6
    140point6 Posts: 10 Member
    Find a place to run outside and get off the Treadmill - Don't worry about how slow it feels keep your feet moviong and build on the amount of time that you can "jog or run" a little bit each time. A high school track is usually a great place to start - it is flat and measurable. start with a quarter mile at a time and build - - - seriuosly bundle up and get off the TM
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    I smoked for 15 years so I never felt as though I could run.
    Within the last year I got into it and it's hard pretty much every time.
    But here are the tips from someone who runs runs runs despite the feeling that "I can't"

    - drop your shoulders
    -try not to run right up at the 'front' of the treadmill…try to step back and have bigger longer softer strides. If will be less like torture and more like leaping
    -listen to music you love and try to go into different place in your mind. I literally imagine a physical SPOT deep in the left side of my head where I go. I'm not a nutcase I swear
    - Don't say I can't, say "I AM" There is absolutely no reason why you can't, unless you have some kind of heart condition or terrible asthma. Be tough on yourself and you will get further
    - most importantly for me….sounds like maybe it will apply to you….you have to get past the start. from about the 2-8 minute phase I feel pissed off and awkward like a just born horse whose mother keeps nudging it to get up. I'm like LEGS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? And I think it hurts, I'm very convinced! That will pass when you hit a stride. You will be like wait a second, ok, this is better! Your breathing won't be panting, it will become rhythmic.

    Hang in there. Breathe. Stretch well. Just do it. Etc. Etc. All the cliche things :flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuckwheat
    mrsbuckwheat Posts: 10 Member
    My advice... Take it slow and GET OUTSIDE!!! I know it's cold;). I live in MA but I am telling you running outside is SO much better. Invest in a good pair of running tights and 2 layers of running top gear and good socks!

    3 months ago I could not run more than 1 mile without stopping. My chest felt like it was on fire, I was totally winded and my back and thighs ached. Then, I got roped into a team for the Boston Marathon in April and started on the team training program, This past Saturday ran 14 miles at about a 5.7mph pace. I seriously cant believe I ran that far without dying .... But i felt pretty darn good when i finished. You can do it!

    Here is how I started. I mapped a 3 mile course on a run-planner website and I just started running 20 yards, walking a few, then running again. The next time I ran the same route but tried to make it a little longer before walking. I found running tu-w-th and then Saturday worked really well for me. After about a month I was up to 5 miles with some walking. Know it is ok to walk, as long as you are moving. You are doing great!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    lot of good advice here.

    every TM race is a little different. some have the obstacles more evenly spaced out, others don't i've done three races, and in all of them there was at least a stretch of a mile or two at a time to cover. and you'll need to have the endurance to run 6-8 miles in total, because the race is long!
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    You've mentioned a lot of pain that starts immediately when you start running so my questions are: Are you wearing running shoes? How old are they? Were you fitted at a running store?

    You may not want to invest in buying running shoes just for the TM but if you are in a lot of pain and can't meet your running goals the price of shoes may be well worth it.

    I bought new shoes about a month into C25K and they made a Huge difference! Good luck!
  • sillyshamrock11
    sillyshamrock11 Posts: 43 Member
    I would do three times a week rather that every other day... When I got into running it was my breathing that was the problem, never the legs. Are you fine with walking? I mean could you walk two three miles etc?

    And wear comfy shoes?

    Perseverance is key, good luck with your race!

    I can walk NP- for me, breathing is a BIG issue as well, maybe even more so than my legs. My legs I run into issue with my shins hurting, since who the hell ever really uses those unless youre a runner?!

    I heard that chewing gum helps with breathing. As for the shin splints, you need to get some shoe inserts and a good pair of running sneaks. I went to New Balance where they measure how you carry your weight when you stand. The inserts have helped me SO much.

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  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    There's a Jackrabbit near my office...I'm going to go and try running and let them tell me what's best for my feet.
    I would do three times a week rather that every other day... When I got into running it was my breathing that was the problem, never the legs. Are you fine with walking? I mean could you walk two three miles etc?

    And wear comfy shoes?

    Perseverance is key, good luck with your race!

    I can walk NP- for me, breathing is a BIG issue as well, maybe even more so than my legs. My legs I run into issue with my shins hurting, since who the hell ever really uses those unless youre a runner?!

    I heard that chewing gum helps with breathing. As for the shin splints, you need to get some shoe inserts and a good pair of running sneaks. I went to New Balance where they measure how you carry your weight when you stand. The inserts have helped me SO much.

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