Acidic Foods

horizonflight Posts: 75
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I just wanted to share this with everyone. Not sure how credible it is, but maybe it's worth a shot:

Have a pickle for a snack! That's right: Acidic foods significantly lower the glycemic index of a midday meal by one-third. What does that mean to dieters? "The slower your carbohydrates break down, the lower their glycemic index and the healthier your food intake," said dietitian Clark. "Acidic foods slow the emptying of your stomach, which is a boon to any weight loss plan."

What to do: Nibble acidic foods such as pickles, tangy salsa, marinated veggies or sourdough bread for lunch or snacks. Other acidic foods include horseradish, pickled beets, lemon juice and pickled herring.

I got the above from the following website:

Maybe it's worth looking into.


  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    There may be some truth to this. I've heard of some crazies taking shots of vinegar with their meals to get the same effect.
  • Although I like vinegar I'm not sure I'd want to really take "shots" but I've just not heard of it before.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    It's not crazy. Unprocessed apple cider vinegar has been proven in medical studies to help diabetics. It has also, in small, doses, been shown to reduce blood pressure. I'm talking like 2 tbsp a day in tea or water. Apparently, it has to be unpasteurized to have this effect. Don't know why.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Interesting. I love dill pickles, but what about the sodium??!!!
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    Vinegar I've heard of and seen put into practice with great results, but pickles its a list of "if's". If you're already low sodium for the day that'll be fine; but the high salt content of brine can spike your sodium levels which (especially in women) can cause all kinds of unwanted side effect like water retention and bloating, as well as the usuals like high blood pressure and mental fatigue. As hard as it is, the best way to lower you glycemic index is to eat less sugar. It's important to understand that not all sugars are created equal, and not all are necessary bad for you.

    Bleached Granulated Sugar, as well as HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup), Aspratame (Nutrasweet), Saccharin (Sweet&Low), and Sucralose (Splenda), can spike insulin to alarming levels and over time can completely break down your bodies ablity to process sugar leading to Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular discease (regardless of what the so called "experts" will tell us). In direct comparison, Evaporated Cane Juice, Turbinado Cane Sugar, Agave Syrup, and Stevia are all: natural, minimally processed, and have a low glycemic index.

    It's just food for thought, but in a world of artificial and massively processed foods that have caused the seen and unseen woes of our people, shouldn't we be looking for natural alternatives to the world of synthetic quick fixes?
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    It's not crazy. Unprocessed apple cider vinegar has been proven in medical studies to help diabetics. It has also, in small, doses, been shown to reduce blood pressure. I'm talking like 2 tbsp a day in tea or water. Apparently, it has to be unpasteurized to have this effect. Don't know why.

    The process of Pasteurization, or flash cooking of products, was first put into practice to prolong the shelf life of certain foods and to kill off harmful bacteria that can develop over time. Unfortunately, pastuerization also kills helpful enzymes, lowers nutrient levels and in some cases as with Milk completely changes the finished product (which is why people develop Lactose Intolerence) Unpasteurized or Raw products are a more natural and healthier way to eat, but are not for those with weak immune systems such as the elderly, or HIV/AIDS and cancer patients. Children can (as I did) be raised on unpasteurized foods, but must be weaned off of the processed products first to help strengthen their immune systems natual response to everyday things. Which over time will help them be healthier, less ill, and have a longer life expectancy.
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Bleached Granulated Sugar, as well as HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup), Aspratame (Nutrasweet), Saccharin (Sweet&Low), and Sucralose (Splenda), can spike insulin to alarming levels and over time can completely break down your bodies ablity to process sugar leading to Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular discease (regardless of what the so called "experts" will tell us). I

    goat, can you provide some links to some journal articles on this statement? Some stuff I found by surfing google seems to contradict your statement on the artificial sweeteners.
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    Of course fit2sit! Sorry for the lateness of my reply, I'm always willing to indulge the curiosity of a fellow dieter. I find it fasinating that you didn't find anything negative on artificial sweeteners because there is nearly endless research on the subject, but stranger things have happened. One thing to always keep in mind is that the government subsidizes corn, meaning that they pay farmers to over produce it. And since they make the majority of artificial sweetners from corn it would stand to reason that the so called "experts" who say that artificial sweeteners aren't bad for you would probably be governmentally funded "researchers" and have a vested interest in keeping production up. There's even research that shows that HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) can contain mercury a heavy metal linked to mental retardation and cancer.

    With that said, here are some website you may find interesting.

    Mercury in HFCS

    HFCS is dangerous and causes Diabetes

    Aspartame linked to health problems

    Saccharin and cancer

    Sucralose's potential link to Type-2 Diabetes

    Artificial sweetener database

    As always fruits are the best way to achieve your sugar quota for the day, a combination of fruits vegatables and high protein lean meats is the best way to diet. Processed foods, regardless of marketing schemes, are not a healthy form or nourishment. Remember just because a product comes in a green box or says its "diet" doesn't mean "healthy". Best of luck and feel free to ask me about anything anytime.

    I also recommend watching these movies which can be found online at many of the common video sites including YouTube and Google Video:
    The Future of Food, which discusses the dangers of Genetically Modified foods or GMO's, and the monopolization of American farms.
    Food Inc., This investigative expose shows the dangers and environmental risks of living in a fast food nation.
    Processed People, This documentary explores the dangers of processed foods and shows the real world results of eating a non processed plant-based or partially plant-based diet.

    GOOD LUCK! :)
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