logging activities on fitbit

I got my fitbit last month and just started back at the gym. I was wondering if I should add my gym activity on top of what the fitbit is recording. Right now I'm just doing cardo and the fitbit shows definite activity increase during gym time, so I don't want to overestimate calorie burn.


  • JoannaEngel84
    JoannaEngel84 Posts: 49 Member
    I just got a body media fit and it's about the same thing. I still enter my activities on MFP and when the two programs sync, the body media just adds or subtracts cals in your activity area to give you whatever burn the tracker has registered.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I manually add it, since my Fitbit doesn't register anything during things like bench press, even though it's quite the activity.
    I use the weight lifting activity, and I also add elliptical, cycling machine and treadmill (steps are sometimes off)