afternoon slump...

Wondering what some of you who work in an office do to combat the afternoon slump....I am always unmotivated, sleepy and a bit grumpy in the afternoons at work. My mornings are spent scurrying around the hospital or seeing patients and my afternoons are spent in front of a computer. Unless I have a meeting to go to, I'm in my office and I have such a hard time staying focused and productive.

Changing my eating habits and exercising daily has made a big improvement in my mood and energy levels, but I really hate feeling like I "need" a cup of coffee just to finish out my work day. I know this is pretty common so I'm up for trying any ideas. (keep in mind the freezing temps right now :frown: otherwise I would be out walking the block to wake myself up)


  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    Can you get some exercise in your lunch break? That helps me wake up. I also switch to peppermint tea to help freshen me up in the afternoon. Can you switch so you do desk work in the morning and be active on the afternoons to mix things up a bit?
  • MagonElizabeth
    Can you get some exercise in your lunch break? That helps me wake up. I also switch to peppermint tea to help freshen me up in the afternoon. Can you switch so you do desk work in the morning and be active on the afternoons to mix things up a bit?

    I wish I could switch up my day so I'm up and moving in the afternoon, but I follow the schedule of the doctors I work with so that means rounding at early hours :wink:
    Doing my actual workout on my lunch break just wouldn't work....I wish it could because that would be the perfect solution! I know when the weather is a bit warmer I will definitely take walks in the afternoons, but it's just way too cold for that nonsense right now. :tongue:

    I've never had a taste for tea, but I'm willing to try!
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    No reason not to have a cup of coffee in the afternoon! (Unless it keeps you up at night or something like that).

    I am stuck at a desk all day, unfortunately, and I find that an afternoon snack (usually around 2:30) wakes me up nicely for the rest of the workday. I also tend to listen to upbeat music (on headphones).
  • ReluctantDieter88
    ReluctantDieter88 Posts: 34 Member
    I usually walk up and down the stairs if I can't walk outside, or I pack a snack for the afternoon around 2:00. I don't see anything wrong with a cup of coffee, though. I love coffee!
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    I too sit at a desk and the 2:00-3:00 hour can at times be BRUTAL! I love love love Advocare Spark! It gets some more water in me and gives me the boost I need to get over the hump....I drink one in the mornings AND in the afternoons! Just do not drink it too late :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with the others' suggestions...tea is a great pick me up...a few short bursts of exercise can really help as well. But for me the biggest thing has been changing up my lunches to include a bit more protein AND sugar and just a little higher calorie than before (like 400-500 calories instead of around 300-400). It seriously has made all of the difference for me. I rarely have an afternoon snack anymore *and* am no longer "hangry" when I get off work (something I struggled with in the past when I was having a 300-400 cal lunch and larger dinner).
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Drink lots of water and make a point to get up and check on things periodically. Consuming the water is healthy, keeps you moving as the water comes and goes if you know what I mean. I agree with you - will be better when the weather is nicer.

    Good luck.
  • MagonElizabeth
    I'm def. going to start listening to some music and eating a snack or the second half of my lunch around 2pm....these are some good ideas I just hadn't thought about!
  • MagonElizabeth
    I love love love Advocare Spark! It gets some more water in me and gives me the boost I need to get over the hump....I drink one in the mornings AND in the afternoons! Just do not drink it too late :)

    I have heard of Advocare but never tried any of their stuff....I checked the website and I see a million flavors! I'm willing to pay the price for something that will work but I'm pretty you think they send out samples of their flavors?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I try to stand whenever I can, like when on the phone. Do you have those standing computer carts? Many hospitals have them. If you can get your hands on one you may be able to stand a bit more in the afternoon. I also have a small bottle of peppermint oil in my desk. I just put a drop on a tissue and leave it on the side of my desk. The smell helps wake me up.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    V8. I drink one every day between 2 and 3. I don't actually like them a lot, but those micronutrients/vitamins really give me a boost in the afternoon.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I start my exercise at 4am so I get this,,, when I start to get sleepy, I just get up and go again.
    the more you move, the more you stay awake.
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    If you were near me I would give you a sample! You might just call in or find a distributor near you and they may give you a sample. I LOVE the mango-strawberry!