FREE Zumba Classes Denver Metro Area, CO

Hi my name is Kendra Boyd. I am a Zumba instructor in Aurora, Strasburg, and Deer Trail, CO. I would like to invite you to a free class anytime you can make it. Please visit my webstie for schedule information.

Please note the Tuesday (Deer Trail) and Thursday (Aurora) classes are always FREE. I offer these classes because I enjoy doing Zumba and I have a goal of getting as many people to dance as possible. It always puts a smile on their face which is very rewarding to me!!

Meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck on your goal success!



  • Joleca
    Joleca Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Kendra,

    Interested, tried with the DVD's, but couldn't get it.. Checked your website and it didn't show any listings for Aurora.. I work midnight to 8am, usually home by about 8:45.. I'm near the Costco on Havana.


  • zumbadream
    zumbadream Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Joanna -

    I just seen your response, I'm sorry! I'm getting back into myfitnesspal, so I'll be on more often now. Please recheck my website, zumba was having issues that have since been resolved.

    Have a great day!
