Trying to Get Healthier and Feel Better

I'm a young professional trying to get fit and active for the first time in my life. I'm trying to focus more on the positive changes in my fitness level and ability to more easily do activities than strictly losing weight. When I reach my ultimate goal, I plan to celebrate by going on a Grand Canyon river rafting trip since that's one of the things that inspired me to get healthier. I'm South Louisiana born and raised, so help me find the determination to keep saying no to all of the King Cake that surrounds me until Mardi Gras?


  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome!! Good luck, you got this!
  • agallaspy
    agallaspy Posts: 9 Member
  • luvclay10
    luvclay10 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck to you on your venture!, it is smart to get on board while still young. Most restaurants and media promote fast foods without being responsible. If you don't start now it only gets tougher as you age. You are right with wanting to be healthy verses being thin, one will come hand in hand with the other if done correctly. There is so much support on this site and all you need to do is show up everyday and keep your food diary, it really keeps you in check. As for the Grand Canyon, i have been there several times and it is truly and amazing place! its a great dream!!
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    Woo! I want to do that trip sooooooo badly. It looks like a LOT of fun! =D I'm sending you a friend request. I'm in Northern Louisiana....and I understand about the king cake. At least where I work we haven't gotten as many as we usually do. XD
  • agallaspy
    agallaspy Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement, luv_clay10 and wateryphoenix! I spent about an hour on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon last year and decided that I HAVE to go back and see more! It just wasn't enough.
  • agallaspy
    agallaspy Posts: 9 Member
    Woo! I want to do that trip sooooooo badly. It looks like a LOT of fun! =D I'm sending you a friend request. I'm in Northern Louisiana....and I understand about the king cake. At least where I work we haven't gotten as many as we usually do. XD

    My workplace has gotten MORE king cake this year. Every Thursday for the last month! Just my luck! But I've been able to resist so far.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great, great, GREAT goals!!!!!!

    Grand Canyon is SO Beautiful.

    Being healthy is wonderful. it makes that King Cake not worth it. Nope, not worth it. you CAN do it. Avoid every room its in. that helps. :)

    Glad to help if you're looking for friends.

  • agallaspy
    agallaspy Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks nancybuss! I'm adding you.