Questions Regarding My Eating Habits

Okay let me start off by letting readers know, I have never tried starving myself nor will I ever. The past four years or so I grew accustomed to eating only two meals a day due to my past schedule. With those two meals I was way under my caloric goal of 1200 calories. Now that I know that it was extremely bad for my metabolism, I am trying to eat more. Three meals a day and snacks in between. Might I note that occasionally, due to my schedule, I miss breakfast. Now that I am eating more, I am finding it extremely hard to actually reach the goal of 1200 calories a day. I do not feel hungry most of the time and when I do eat I find it hard to snack because I am still full. I stay full for quite awhile.

So my question is, do I still force myself to eat even if I am full? My apologies if this is a dumb question. Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated.

The other question I have is, since my body was used to eating so few calories and now I am eating more, will I gain weight in result of that?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Eat higher calorie foods and you'll hit your goal pretty quickly.

    Cook with oils or butter, etc.

    Eat some peanut butter, ice cream, whatever floats your boat. Just fit it into your goal.
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Well you must have at some point ate in a calorie surplus if your now dieting. What were you eating before? Can you integrate some of those food back in to meet your calorie goals? While its okay now and then to significantly under or overeat doing this in the long term either way will cause you harm.
  • MANDEEx88
    MANDEEx88 Posts: 32 Member
    I was eating unhealthy. Sometimes fried food but I was eating so little of it I do not see any way that I was meeting my caloric goal. I am also not trying to diet. I am just trying to eat clean. As in nothing boxed or processed for the most part. Let's just say everything I ate at that point in time was from a box or can and never fresh produce. I am not trying to diet now. I just want to get rid of foods that have hidden ingredients and chemicals. Slowly but surely.
  • MANDEEx88
    MANDEEx88 Posts: 32 Member
    I should probably also add that my doctor thinks I have a thyroid disorder because of how fast I gained weight in such a short amount of time. Waiting on the results.