Hello (again ;))!

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I was rather active with MyFitnessPal a year or so ago but fell off the bandwagon. I have recently been adapting a healthy lifestyle and have been using MFP more actively and consistently. I have already lost 7 pounds from when I initially started, bringing me to about 1/4 the way through my weightloss goal! I'm almost obsessed with everything healthy now. I workout 3-4 times a week (currently doing a 10-week program) and have been heavily exploring with foods and food alternatives.

A little bit about myself:
I'm a 22-year-old Mouseketeer. I work for Disney and also service as a reservist in the military. I live in Southern California (born and raised, woo!). My free time consists primarily of working out and now I have been picking up learning a new language (español at the moment) as well as learning the piano. I'm a nifty knitter and lloovvee arts and crafts.

I'm very interactive and chatty, so feel free to add me and let's work towards our goals together! :)


  • skytoads
    Sounds like your journey was similar to mine, but glad to see you found your way back to MFP. Your job sounds incredibly interesting! I wish you the best of luck and feel free to add me and I will try to help with any questions you may have!