Staying connected in the cyber world.

Hello everyone,

My name is Sara and I joined MFP over the weekend. I was considering joining Weight Watchers, but heard that this site provides the same services for free. The only thing I don't think it provides are the in-person support groups that help with accountability.

I'm a grad school student, a part-time intern, a part-time worker, and full-time tired. Changing my diet and my lifestyle is going to be a huge challenge, one I think will become easier once I graduate and move away from my parent's house.

Anyone have any suggestions for
1) Eating healthy when those around you are NOT?
2) Finding a support group on here without it turning into another part-time job?

Thanks everyone!
-Chi (Sara)


  • say_pocket
    say_pocket Posts: 54 Member
    Eating healthy when the people around you aren't is TOUGH. My roommate survives off of a diet of ramen, peanut butter toast, candy and Dominos pizza. And when our friends come over, it can be ridiculous: full boxes of oreos, pints of icecream, gallons of wine.

    What works for me is:
    1) Keep healthy snacks in the house. Breakfast bars, fruit, plantain chips, yogurts (I like freezing organic squeezable yogurt. Mmmm). When someone starts talking about eating a big bowl of icecream, I go for my healthy alternative. That way, I'm not feeling left out of the snacking. (Occasionally, I'll break down and have a small bit of what they're eating, but I always log it. And I try to make it last. I can make one oreo last me the amount of time it takes one of them to eat 6. Ha.)

    2) Offer to cook. Every Sunday, a group of people comes over to watch The Walking Dead. In order to keep myself from gorging on food, I offer to cook instead of letting them order in pizza or something. I've done some digging on the internet and have come up with a handful of delicious dinners that are only 500 - 600 calories per serving. They rave about the taste and I get to stay in a reasonable calorie amount.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Feel free to add me. I gained all my weight back plus some when I moved back in with my mom so I know where you're coming from. If you can, buy and cook your own food. Keep a variety of healthy foods and snacks with some treats that you can eat in small portions on occasion. Get involved in the family cooking so you can accurately log when you do share a meal.
  • Th3Chi
    Th3Chi Posts: 2 Member
    Great suggestions, thank you!