Exceeding MFP sugar intake

Hey all,

I fell off the bandwagon and stopped tracking for a long time, but decided to get back with it. I see that MFP has a recommendation of 25g of sugar for the day, but today I had 3 small tangerines and an apple several hours apart, which put me at ~38g of sugar. None of my other meals included as much sugar, but my healthy snacks alone put me over.

So what say you, MFPers? Is there a big significance for the recommended sugar intake of 25g?


edit; aaah, I posted this in the wrong forum! is there a mod to move this to food and nutrition?


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    For weight loss, all the matters is calories. Stick to your calorie goal and you will lose weight.

    How you feel might differ, but sugar is just a carb. Where you get your carbs are going to determine how full you feel. A piece of candy isn't as filling or healthy as fruit.

    Unless your doctor specifically told you to watch your sugar intake, the recommendations on MFP are pretty low for sugar in the majority of opinions on here. If you want you can completely take it out and not track it.
  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    I'm impressed that only put you 13 grams over to be honest. But to answer you question, MFP gives a very low recommendation for sugar. For what I've gathered many users deal with this in two ways:

    1) ignore it completely

    2) don't count sugar from natural sources.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I'm impressed that only put you 13 grams over to be honest. But to answer you question, MFP gives a very low recommendation for sugar. For what I've gathered many users deal with this in two ways:

    1) ignore it completely

    2) don't count sugar from natural sources.

    Go with door number 1
  • pankdrogger
    pankdrogger Posts: 17 Member
    Ah, thanks!

    I have no idea how accurate those counts really are (so I don't know if it was more or less than what the database listed) , but sugar has never been a huge concern to me.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Ah, thanks!

    I have no idea how accurate those counts really are (so I don't know if it was more or less than what the database listed) , but sugar has never been a huge concern to me.

    You should be fine then, sugar is just a subcategory of carbs, track your total carb intake and don't worry about sugar, you'll be alright.
  • kenziest
    You have a 25 gram a day sugar allowance? Could this be a computer error or something? MFP has me set at 68 grams. Granted, my calorie intake is set to 1,800 and if yours is set lower that gives you less grams to work with, but I'm surprised it'd be 25 grams. Ha, now I'm wondering if my tracker is off.
  • pankdrogger
    pankdrogger Posts: 17 Member
    When I did a quick Google including 25g in the search, apparently it's the recommendation for women. Men have a slightly higher recommendation (like 35g? Still not 68 though!). My calorie intake is set to 1200.

    When I was searching for the page I initially found though, I did stumble upon the exact same question posted on MFP a couple years ago! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/329316-should-fruit-be-included-in-daily-sugar-intake