MFP calorie recommendation - seems like too much

~200lb, 6'1" male here with a desk job who lifts and does cardio 3-5 times a week. I have been trying to eat right, but just very recently have been using MFP for the calorie counting.

So my numbers are about 1700 calories with no exercise and then about 2100 calories with exercise. We just finished dinner and I'm about 800 calories short of my goal. I feel like I've been eating all day today (protein shake smoothie, turkey, trail mix protein bar and then pork, mushrooms and spinach for dinner) and just feel like I'd be over eating to get to my goal of 2100 calories for today. Either that, or I'm counting them way wrong but MFP seems pretty dummy proof.

I've been hovering around this weight for a number of years and with eating similarly over the past couple of months, I have pretty much maintained my weight, give or take a little. Now, with MFP telling me to eat another 800 calories, I feel that I'm already mostly full throughout the day and that would just be unnecessary calories.

So a couple questions. Have any of you felt full, yet just ate to get to your MFP calorie goal? Have you ever heard of anyone following their calorie goal and gaining weight? Can eating too few calories inhibit weight/fat loss?

The only other thing I'd mention is that I'm usually pretty good during the week, but will usually end up having some drinks and going out to eat on the weekend. Not that I give up and eat 5 pizzas on a Saturday, but if I'm going out, I don't normally worry about eating wings and beers, or maybe a bunch of sauces and starches on the side of a nice meal. Is that where I'm going wrong?
