I'm looking for support please help!!

Hello my name is Dusty McCardle. I have diabetes and I am looking at changing my life around. I am over weight and need to get things back in order. Would love some support.


  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Dusty. Please feel free to add me. I'm on my second go round on mfp. We can all use a little extra support!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Hiya, Dusty!

    Do you have type I or type II diabetes?

    What are your plans to get where you want to go?
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi there Dusty;

    It's great you've reached out for support. Equally wonderful is your wanting to take control, making the necessary changes to "put things back in order."

    Diagnosed with T2 Diabetes in 1982, complication free, I've found the myfitnesspal program when applied honestly and correctly to be one of the most powerful tools in helping me meet, exceed and improve my blood sugar target and management goals.

    If your interested, there's a Type 2 diabetes support community with myfitnesspal.


    Wishing you the same success I've enjoyed by using this program and it's tools.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Dusty and welcome! I sent a friend request
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me!