An Aha moment.. Light Sour Cream is a Revelation!

momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
Hi everyone.. I am new here and this is my first post. I posted this in a blog and some suggested I also post it here...

An AHA moment : light sour cream is a revelation! (Edit post)
Posted on 09/18/2010 by momof8munchkins
In my search for a good healthy mayo substitute for use in recipes and dressings. I believe I have found the answer.. I have had great success using light sour cream with a little mustard in place of mayo in recipes.It's natural , low-cal, easy, keeps for a long time in fridge, no prep and tastes far superior to everything else I have tried. Even went unnoticed by my dh when I made egg salad with it.. YIPPY!

Other things I've tried and results

light mayo (store bought)- tasted weird , loaded with salt and chemicals

homemade mayo-tried several recipes.. hard to make, the result was odd each time, strange flavor, color, smell and texture..only keeps for a week in the fridge.. family didn't like it

plain non-fat yogurt- gives recipes an off,kind of sour taste that I don't care for.
